View Full Version : How many floaters is it normal to have?

21-03-18, 19:32
I posted last week about my vision-related concerns. I'm still having all the same concerns as before, but focusing now more on my floaters. At any given time I have somewhere between none and a lot. I know it's normal to have a few here and there, but what worries me is that I often see a cluster of floaters on the very periphery of my visual field in my right eye. I couldn't say exactly how many, but, a cluster- several. I also have, I'd say, four or five that come and go pretty regularly in each eye aside from this cluster.

I saw an optometrist a few months ago and can't decide whether or not to see an ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist could do more tests- I've read online that peripheral retinal tears are often missed in dilated eye exams and require a specific test (that my optometrist didn't do). I'm afraid to make an appointment because if a retinal tear is found and treated... yes, that would probably be a good thing, because treatments for retinal tears are far easier, quicker, and less expensive than treatments for retinal detachments (and 50% of retinal tears lead to retinal detachment). But I read somewhere that in a small percentage of cases treating retinal tears actually leads to complications. So what if a retinal tear is found and treated and problems develop, whereas if I'd left it alone I might've been one of the 50% (assuming I do have a tear) who ends up being fine?

EDIT: I've come pretty far in my HA. Nowadays I decide whether or not to make an appointment, and then (if no appointment) try not to worry (mindfulness, etc.) until the concern passes or (if appointment) believe the doctor and then move on. So the only part when I'm anxious is when I assess the situation to determine whether or not an appointment is necessary. The problem here is that I don't know whether or not I'm still in the 'legitimate assessment' stage or whether a non-HA person would just decide the optometrist appointment was enough and move on.

21-03-18, 20:51
I have had so many that I actually look out and think it is hazy outside. Other times I have only a few and am not bothered by it. I think a lot depends on the air quality and perhaps sinuses. Who knows, they are just floaters. If the eye doctor tells me there is nothing wrong with my eyes, why should I question them?

22-03-18, 00:07
I was honestly thinking about making this exact same thread. Ever since my big health scare around summertime last year I've had a noticeable increase in floaters. I dont know if I'm just noticing them more due to my HA or if maybe I did it to myself from wearing my contacts for too long, too often.

I have at least 5-12ish in both eyes (combined) almost every single day and this has been going on for months. I too went to an eye doctor and he didn't seem too concerned. Ran a litany of tests and said everything looked normal so I try not to worry about it. I've had one in particular in my left eye that likes to hang out right in the middle of my damn vision. Been there for at least a few months. >:(

They're just annoying more than anything but luckily I only notice them in brightly lit rooms/outside. :shrug:

Catherine S
22-03-18, 00:11
I have alot of floaters...ive never counted them though, but the optician could see them at my last eye test. He didn't seem too worried to be honest. For me at age 64, it's something to do with getting older apparently.