View Full Version : Coughing Up Blood

Sesame Seed
21-03-18, 19:33
Hi All,

I know this probably seems really silly and I have read this can happen, however, having dealt with worse illnesses and having had Bronchitis, I have never in my life coughed up blood from any of it, even with a really bad cough.

I've just gotten over a week-long flu, pretty standard by all means. Lovely cough from hell started it, then aches and chills for 24 hours, low-grade fever for 6 days, gastrointestinal fun which lasted two days... You know the drill. Now I feel significantly better, the only thing left is a little exhaustion (though this can also be attributed to my period), some lack of appetite (also possible period, but weird for me to be not super hungry for so long), and this slight cough.

The off thing is that despite having a cough, during the entire experience, I did not cough up blood at all until two days ago. It's a productive cough with lovely yellow sputum, but I woke up at like 3 am coughing slightly (I was coughing up more stuff after lying down), spit and there was blood mixed in my sputum, bright red. Not a ton, but it alarmed me. After several goes it would go away and during the day I'd be fine.

I went to a doc appointment so I could return to work, they checked and listened to things and everything seemed fine and I was told again that sometimes some blood is normal. I was told to worry if it became foamy and pink or large chunks. I questioned it though, because again, it's happening with a lot less coughing and I've never before dealt with it (not that, that means anything).

Nurse and doctor also told me it can be from sitting in my lungs for a bit, but logically, when I look at say old blood during menses it is much darker, and it makes sense to me if it was blood from prior burst vessels it would not be bright red as if it just happened. I'm no expert, but I've dealt with a fair amount of medical stuff in my life to say the least.

Now the last two days are where I am most confused. I find myself not coughing at night (I'm a VERY light sleeper and everything wakes me up, coughing included) but waking up in the morning with what sounds like some continued congestion and then spitting up some blood, and then it gets better. I do cough off an on during the day a bit and currently my left side of my throat is a bit sore which seems to be connected to a sore left ear too, which wasn't a problem during my initial illness. I also had this feeling of something huge stuck in my throat after some coughing yesterday, it came and went so I wasn't sure what that was about and it's gone again...

Today there was a little chunk when I coughed which was a bit more shocking (really not at all large, just noticed a small chunk) and I became alarmed. I called my GP and they are getting me in for either an X-Ray or a CT Scan as I requested it primarily for peace of mind due to losing so many people in the last nearly two years and going through nearly losing my boyfriend to cancer where I was his caretaker for the better part of a year. Unfortunately I am slightly traumatized. My boyfriend also had a friend who passed at 30 from the flu, he had been healthy and had the shot, so that has not helped my sudden fear of the flu either.

What I am curious about is if anyone has experienced a significant decrease in symptoms and still coughed up some blood. As this is new to me, I kind of need some reassurance, as it's scary.

I also live a state away from all my close friends right now, including my boyfriend. I'm finishing up an internship and I don't have anyone here, so it's further freaking me out because I'm completely alone. Not my first rodeo being alone, not even a bit, but my first time being alone since so many traumatic experiences happened all at once in such quick succession that I still haven't had time to process it all outside of acknowledgement.

I appreciate the time taken to read this and any subsequent responses.

Thank you.

21-03-18, 23:57
I remember I was in a similar situation a few years back.

I had a lingering cold for few weeks. Towards the end of the cycle, I started coughing up small traces of blood. The main symptoms of the cold faded away but I kept coughing up blood for some time after that.

It was pretty scary as my anxiety kicked in and I thought I was dying, as usual.
Life is never boring with anxiety...

p.s. I am sorry for what you have been through!

Sesame Seed
22-03-18, 03:54
I remember I was in a similar situation a few years back.

I had a lingering cold for few weeks. Towards the end of the cycle, I started coughing up small traces of blood. The main symptoms of the cold faded away but I kept coughing up blood for some time after that.

It was pretty scary as my anxiety kicked in and I thought I was dying, as usual.
Life is never boring with anxiety...

p.s. I am sorry for what you have been through!

Thank you for your response, very much. It seems silly but it's helpful to know this isn't some really random situation. Anxiety sure does make life less boring doesn't it? I just wouldn't mind another kind of less boring now. Hah. I'm hoping for the all clear on the scan on Friday and the blood to subside. Definitely scary, especially since the first thing the doc asked was if there was a history of lung cancer in my family, which there is, though from smoking and I do not, nor have I ever smoked. I'm sure it's nothing but it sure is creepy, not a fan at all.

22-03-18, 04:31
Yes, this has happened to me too, and I heard it was common and nothing serious. About doctors asking those kinds of questions, sometimes they get to me too. Sometimes they've even set off a panic attack. Other times I remember that they have to ask everyone these questions, and I can answer without overthinking it. Let us know how your scans go. I'm sure they'll be fine. :)

22-03-18, 16:19
I am going through this, too! I had the flu a few weeks ago and now have some respiratory stuff lingering plus probably a new virus. I spoke with two doctors in two different countries, Denmark and Poland, and both were absolutely confident that it was not serious. The Polish doctor had had several patients come in with the same in the past few weeks, also sure they had cancer.