View Full Version : Nose issues still...

12-07-07, 12:41
A couple of months ago I had an inflamed right nostril, all red inside and painful to breathe in. I got some antibiotics and it cleared up. Only problem is, it flares up from time to time, there is still a little red patch there but most days I forget about it. I make a conscious effort to eat properly and healthily to try and get my vitamins up to take it away!

I went back to the Dr last week as I was worried it might be cancerous or something (2 months and still there) and she said not to worry because it would be getting worse and worse if it was anything major. It has never been as worse as in the beginning and I only really experience mild tingling if anything so I suppose my body is gradually dealing with it. I am just looking for some reassurance that if it was cancerous it woudn't just be getting better and then staying the same - it would be getting worse and worse and antibiotics wouldn't have helped.... would they??

12-07-07, 18:47
Hi Joe

I wouldnt worry hun,your GP is right it would definatley get worse if it was cancer, it wouldnt get better then flare up again. It sounds like a little infection you have, i would have a word with your gp, maybe some stronger antibiotics or antibiotic cream may clear it up.
