View Full Version : Health Anxiety back.

22-03-18, 12:41
I suffer with health anxiety, for a couple of weeks I've had bad right hand side pain in my abdomen, I'm due to come on my period within the next few days, now I have like a tugging feeling inside of my hip where my groin Is, it hurts when I touch, stretch and cough.. yesterday when I was on the toilet, it hurts when I strain too. I'm worried it could be Appendicitis or an ovary on my cyst, any women had these symptoms before? Like a pulling and tugging just above the groin? The Hypochondric in me is telling me it's something more sincere:(

Clydesdale Epona
22-03-18, 21:44
The fact you've had it a few weeks is good as appendicitis is usually sudden and does not give warning apart from severe pain where you can't even lie there without crying x

It could be a pulled muscle or something else, I find I get right side pain bad before before a period as I have endometriosis.

I do think its best to go to the doctors if it doesn't go away soon as it will probably be something treatable and will give you peace of mind x

Best wishes


23-03-18, 04:21
Can you think of anything you did shortly before the pain started happening that could have caused a strained or pulled muscle? And has your health anxiety manifested itself as a pain like this before? Maybe not in the same area, but anywhere in your body?