View Full Version : Is it anxiety or am I actually ill?

22-03-18, 15:18
Hi everyone, I'm new here and stumbled across this site after hours of trawling the internet trying to find out what's wrong with me. Yep I know, my first mistake! For the last 4 months I've not been feeling right, it started with a one sided headache that didn't go away for a week and also pain in one ear. I went to the docs and they said I had fluid in my ear so got some nasal spray to try to clear it. I had the headaches every day for over a month, even when the ear pain stopped. I also started to get strange sharp shooting pains down my arms and into my hands regularly and sometimes the same thing happens in my legs and feet. I also started getting random hiccups most days, just single ones at a time. Backwards and forwards to the doc but they weren't too concerned. After googling I became convinced I had a brain tumour because of the symptoms and really struggled with panic etc. I went back to the docs who have referred me to a neurologist, however they did mention Heath anxiety to me but I felt like the symptoms were too physical for it all to be in my head. In february I went on holiday and throughout the holiday and also once I was back, I felt absolutely fine so eventually put it down to stress and cancelled the neurologist appointment. However all of the symptoms have started up again, pain in my left ear which is like a sharp pain and one sided headache, as well as the pains in my arms and hands. Because it went away for a few weeks I feel like it may be stress related but the symptoms are so physical I am also now worried Incase it is a Brain tumour and I'm really scared!!

22-03-18, 15:20
In february I went on holiday and throughout the holiday and also once I was back, I felt absolutely fine so eventually put it down to stress and cancelled the neurologist appointment.

That says it all right there :winks: Something in your life is causing you stress thus causing the symptoms to return. I assure you, sinister things like cancer don't come and go.

Positive thoughts

22-03-18, 15:31
That's exactly what I thought and it did give me a bit of reassurance but now I keep thinking what if I still wasn't feeling ok but just forgetting about it because it's been going on for so long, it's all blurring together! My Grandad died 4 weeks ago and I feel like it's been the last 3 weeks or so that it's all started up again so it is giving me a little bit of positivity but I get myself so scared and worked up it's awful! I am normally the most positive, happy person and have never suffered like this before so I don't really know how to handle it. My job is also uncertain at the moment so I do feel like I have a lot of stress and I have generally always worried when I get health symptoms Incase it's something serious so I feel like it could just be me worrying but these symptoms are so strong and feel so physical that i don't understand how it can be in my head! :(