View Full Version : Pains in side and chesty 6 weeks on

22-03-18, 15:27
I had a virus just over 6 weeks ago where I had a temperature and a pretty bad cough as well as pain on my left side (by breast) and under breast. Six weeks on I still feel slightly chesty especially in the cold but I also still have pains in my side/breast/collar bone area. The pain is nothing bad but I am bothered by it as I want it gone and am worried by the length of time I have felt this way. In total I have been to gp 3 times about this. Chest x ray came back clear and nothing was ever detected on my lungs, gp thinks pains are strains from when I was coughing but I would have thought this would be gone by now. It kind of feels like a trapped wind pain. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I don't feel like I can go back to gp again but am getting so worried. Last appointment with gp she checked my breast for lump but all seemed OK.

22-03-18, 16:58
If you’re still chesty & coughing it makes complete sense that you would still be having pain. You probably have sprained a muscle coughing - that takes ages to heal honestly. If you’ce Had a cxr & breast exam & there’s nothing there it’s highly unlikely to be anything sinister. Do you have any heartburn or reflux at all?

22-03-18, 20:25
I have wondered if I have reflux sometimes as can get a tight feeling in my throat but I am also unsure if that is anxiety!!! I have never mentioned that to Dr.
Sorry my post may have been misleading I am hardly couhing now but still feel slightly chesty/breathless (but again never sure if just anxiety making me feel that way). How I hate having HA. Thanks for you reply.