View Full Version : Is this really just Anxiety?

22-03-18, 17:16
Hi guys,

I'm 20 years old and have suffered from "anxiety" for 5/6 years now.

I've been on Citalopram 20mg for nearly 2 years now. Before that I was on Fluoxetine 20mg for around 3 years. Recently (the past 3 months or 4) My anxiety has gotten really quite bad. The doctors always tell me it's anxiety but this is literally 24/7 all the time constantly thinking about things.

I've been very emotionally numb, to be honest, for the past 5 years or so, ever since I was diagnosed with "GAD". But recently I've felt very uninterested in things, I question life often, I hate waking up every day, my mind is never clear and I'm always always always thinking about things/overthinking things and I genuinely don't feel like I can control them.

I've questioned psychosis, schizophrenia, OCD and things like that and these really get ingrained into my head. I question time itself, things of that nature.I question reality, worry about reality, worry about the way I feel, question why I feel that way and it causes brain fog and makes me feel spaced out/not attached to myself or what I'm doing. I'm basically emotionless, I never feel happy but I never feel sad, it's really hard to explain. I need constant reassurance from people which only makes me feel better for a limited period of time. I just don't feel like myself anymore.

In terms of functioning I function fine when I'm doing things but I'm always thinking about things at the back of my head. I feel trapped, feel like things will never get better for me. I'm not sure if I'm depressed or not but it really feels like it. I get quite bad dizziness too which I've had for years and doctors, once again say it's anxiety. If it was anxiety why doesn't it go away? I literally feel on edge all of the time and on certian occasions have found myself literally waking up in the middle of the night with my head spinning, having to lay on the floor, rock myself back and forth or try and call someone to bring me back to reality.

23-03-18, 09:13
Hi guys,

I'm 20 years old and have suffered from "anxiety" for 5/6 years now.

I've been on Citalopram 20mg for nearly 2 years now. Before that I was on Fluoxetine 20mg for around 3 years. Recently (the past 3 months or 4) My anxiety has gotten really quite bad. The doctors always tell me it's anxiety but this is literally 24/7 all the time constantly thinking about things.

I've been very emotionally numb, to be honest, for the past 5 years or so, ever since I was diagnosed with "GAD". But recently I've felt very uninterested in things, I question life often, I hate waking up every day, my mind is never clear and I'm always always always thinking about things/overthinking things and I genuinely don't feel like I can control them.

I've questioned psychosis, schizophrenia, OCD and things like that and these really get ingrained into my head. I question time itself, things of that nature.I question reality, worry about reality, worry about the way I feel, question why I feel that way and it causes brain fog and makes me feel spaced out/not attached to myself or what I'm doing. I'm basically emotionless, I never feel happy but I never feel sad, it's really hard to explain. I need constant reassurance from people which only makes me feel better for a limited period of time. I just don't feel like myself anymore.

In terms of functioning I function fine when I'm doing things but I'm always thinking about things at the back of my head. I feel trapped, feel like things will never get better for me. I'm not sure if I'm depressed or not but it really feels like it. I get quite bad dizziness too which I've had for years and doctors, once again say it's anxiety. If it was anxiety why doesn't it go away? I literally feel on edge all of the time and on certian occasions have found myself literally waking up in the middle of the night with my head spinning, having to lay on the floor, rock myself back and forth or try and call someone to bring me back to reality.

Morning @Frosty yes my symptoms are exactly the same have had GAD for 30 years my friend and going through a very rough patch at the moment and have been for 3 months I know it will pass and I do appreciate that it is very difficult to accept this,my days are almost unbearable but I will keep plodding on as there is no other choice,I am not going offer any advice just try to keep going,I still go out and float round Tesco's (smile) and take my dog for a walk don't know how I manage it but I do,take care my friend and look after your self:)