View Full Version : Pain in throat when swallowing saliva only (on and off) throat cancer fear

22-03-18, 17:37
Hey, i notice that when i swallow i get a little ache everytime i swallow my saliva. It never occurs with food or anything else but only saliva. Its not present at all times either, but often. (mostly when sitting or laying down) could this be silent reflux? I've also had a sore throat on and off for 2 weeks. Other symptoms i have that scare me:

Ear aches (not constant but happens maybe 3-4 times per day)
Jaw aches (not constant but happens mayne 1-2 times per day)

Does this sound like throat cancer at all?

23-03-18, 02:50
I've had throat cancer fears for a while and experienced lots of throat pain from swallowing even though there wasn't anything wrong. The pain stopped after I visited the doctor and he checked my throat. I think the pain occurred due to my constant swallowing to check if it still hurt so maybe you've been doing the same?
I also think if you really had throat cancer the pain would occur while swallowing food (if not being worse due to the size of the object your swallowing being greater than just saliva.) Your symptoms are most likely being caused by something minor if they're not just from your anxiety about the condition. Anxiety can play tricks on you and mimic symptoms you're focused on. I've had it happen to me a lot and it's super scary but it always turns out to be nothing.

You should go to the doctor to put your mind at ease and this issue to rest. I'm 99% sure that what your experiencing isn't throat cancer but hearing it from me won't help so please make an appointment with your doc!

I hope you can feel better soon!!! c:

23-03-18, 03:49
It's called Globus Sensation and is very common and also a common anxiety symptom.