View Full Version : Music OCD

22-03-18, 17:48
Does anyone else have this? I feel like I can’t listen to certain music at certain places because I feel like people can hear what I’m listening to or somewhat read my mind. I usually get nervous about listening to music I consider weird or embarrassing.

26-03-18, 02:32
Yes, this and similar about people being able to read my mind. It's another way for the fight or flight to risk assess your life. I can remember being worried not shutting a cupboard door might mean someone could see me.

Part of it is being self conscious too.

Why not start by keeping the volume lower and building up to where you prefer it. Take the phones out/off and listen to what can be heard without any barrier. You won't hear much but then shove it on a cushion and see how it can't be heard unless it is very loud.

Magical Thinking is in play too.