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View Full Version : Panic Over Eating/ Face Tingly

22-03-18, 19:54
Hello, long time lurker but first time poster here. It’s been a long time since I couldn’t find a way to calm myself so I hope someone can help.

It started a couple nights ago. I had rice krispies and milk for dinner (lactaid) and then 3 hours later I was hungry so I had a microwave meal of buffalo chicken mac & cheese. All of which I’ve had before. Cereal I have on almost a daily basis. I probably hadn’t had the tv dinner in about 2-3 months.
After the tv dinner, the left side of my face was tingly. Like right after. Now I had just gotten over a bout of anxiety due to anxiety induced IBS. Didn’t feel panicky/ stressed before this. Not that that always means anything...
Next morning I thought I still felt weird but I figured it was from focusing on it. Ate leftover turkey roast with lemon pepper and brown rice and I was fine. Couple hours later I tried a mexican chocolate greek yogurt and when I finished, I got the left side tingles again. This time I looked at both ingredients and the one that stood out was cayenne pepper! But I get no rash or anything. But I still figured that was it.
Well later for dinner I had my rice krispies again and it happened. So then I worry it’s actually milk. But I had cereal the night before and most likely the day before that too! I couldn’t reason with myself because of it.
Yesterday I wasn’t too bad but wasn’t sure. Accidentally had shepards pie with milk and my face was ok but my right hear got hot and red a couple bites in. This has happened to me but usually in social anxiety settings. I was anxious eating though.
Today I had just a couple bites of a roast chicken I bought but then looked to see it said “spices” and saw that can mean red pepper which is cayenne and I panicked and my WHOLE face feels tingly AND itchy. Including my left eye. But I still don’t see hives.

I have a physical in 2 weeks and I called today asking if I could get allergy tests added to my blood work and she said she’ll ask the doc. I know if I get results it will help but I’m getting so scared to eat anything. I’m sure it’s impossible to become allergic to everything...... and I really don’t think it’s milk but I can’t help it. And if it IS cayenne pepper, I might freak out anyway just knowing I have an allergy.

Can a lot of this face stuff just be me right now? Am I thinking about it so much I’m basically willing it?

So sorry for the long post. But I just want to cry and want to be reassured anything right now. Just looking up allergies on google panic me to no end....

Thank you in advance!

Clydesdale Epona
22-03-18, 21:39
Hiya :)
First of all, get away from that google! he is a mean bugger who will always tell you what your HA wants to hear! (okay so maybe they're not working together :roflmao: but it does come up with the worst case scenarios first which aren't true)

Secondly, As it got particularly bad after reading "spices" does indicate anxiety or at least anxiety making it worse.
Honestly I always get a tingly face and or red hot cheeks and one ear(just one" grrr haha) after eating and hasn't really bothered me.

As you didn't feel anything from eating cereal the first time it means milk isn't an issue however, because you got worked up about it you then convinced yourself subconsciously it might be milk? and then milk had an effect too.
I do think it might be anxiety or something else that you are putting down to allergies.

If my partner convinces himself something has peanuts in he will throw up and his throat will close up from panicking (he is not severely allergic) I then have to calm him down by assuring him it is not peanuts and he's fine again.
The mind can be that powerful you'll be surprised x

Best wishes :hugs:

23-03-18, 02:01
Oh believe me, I hate to google. I didn’t think searching for numb face allergy was going to bring me right to “emergency!!!!” but I should have known. :p
I do think it’s my anxiety, for the most part at least. I’m hoping maybe it’s weather/ dryness related too. It was mostly around my jaw line and chin and my mom said that’s where she gets itchy during the winter on and off. She also never sees a rash and figures it’s her coat or scarf so she stays away so maybe it is psychosomatic slightly.
I just wish I could calm down enough and take it slowly and logically..... but yeah. Easy to say! But your response did help me feel better knowing I’m not alone and that always helps. So thank you so much and I will try and stay positive!