View Full Version : Stuck in throat

22-03-18, 20:54
Ok so I致e just been eating my favourite haribo giant strawb sweets (clearly been put off after this now though)
Anyway was wolfing them down like I normally do but I知 pretty sure a little price is stuck in my throat. I知 clearly not choking and I知 breathing fine but I can feel it when I swallow like in the right hand side of my throat going towards my chest.

This has never happened to me before and clearly should chew better before I swallow.

Should I just leave it or should I worry. I知 not to alarmed as I can breath as normal.

Clydesdale Epona
22-03-18, 21:31
Hiya :)
As you are not having breathing issues it doesn't appear to be big enough to actually lodge, it could of gone down wrong and you still feel it there or could be stuck to the side (I always get that with tomato or pea skins haha) have you tried drinking/sipping something, maybe a nice cup of tea to see if it shifts it?
i'm sorry I don't have much advice as I don't know much about that and not a professional x

22-03-18, 21:45
Hi thanks for replying. I just made a big glass of water and swallowed it all hard (doesn’t make sense as I type but I think you know what I mean) and it’s gone now.