View Full Version : Reddish/Orange Chunks In stool?

22-03-18, 20:54
Hey everyone, having some anxiety over this - over the last few days I’ve had a mildly upset stomach (mostly gas pains) as I was super anxious on Monday and my anxiety occasionally causes an IBS reaction. Anyway, today I’ve noticed all three of the BM’s I’ve had have these bizarre, very obvious orange/reddish chunks in them, and it’s kind of freaking me out. It doesn’t look like blood, it’s just these weird looking chunks. They look like they have the consistency of a tomato or something.

I had soup with carrots in it last night, could this just be undigested food? I’m 18 years old and have no real reason to suspect anything is wrong but I’m still nervous. Any advice or reassurance would be greatly appreciated.

22-03-18, 21:27
Well, I was about the suggest tomato or carrot as options.....yes....undigested food can come through like this. You have carrot soup, so more than likely the culprit.