View Full Version : Head pain

23-03-18, 01:07
I've been getting random sharp pains in my head for a while now. They aren't constant (usually I get one every few weeks) but I'm getting worried it could be a sign of something more sinister like a brain tumor. Do you think they could just be a headache type thing?

PS: My lower abdominal pain has gone so it was likely IBS. Thanks again for everyone who replied. c:

25-03-18, 19:07
I get these quite a lot. I think it could be tension or maybe even a trapped nerve. We tense our bodies so much with this illness that it would be strange if we didn't get aches and pains.

I started with the shooting pains in my head about 10 years ago and nothing has ever happened or got worse so it's not something I worry about these days.