View Full Version : Sinusitis/Head Lumps/Lymph Node Worries.

23-03-18, 02:55
Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum, so my apologies if I've done everything completely wrong.

So, I'd just like a little reassurance if anyone has been through something similar to this; firstly I'm just going to say I have health anxiety and these symptoms may sound a little insane, but I need to get this out.

It all pretty much started when I met my current partner around 4 years ago - I started to take the birth control pill and as I struggle with pills, but it kept getting "stuck in my throat" - I put this down to anxiety. However, upon further inspection by my GP, the lymph node under my chin was a little swollen. I panicked, as I do with everything, and had some investigations as to why this lymph node is such a problem, including an ultrasound and blood test (No bacteria in my blood, apparently). Fast forward a few years, I have another lymph node just at the bottom of my head swollen (my occipital - I know these like the back of my hand due to Dr Google, my dear friend and enemy) and over the next few years I just had a few lymph nodes (on my right side of my body) just going up and down when they liked. They still do.

Following on from this, my eyebrow swelled up one day, a quick google search showing me this is sinusitis. I left it, as I have severe hayfever, so I assumed it would go away with that. It didn't. My next lump was a ridge going down the middle of my skull, 99.9% sure it wasn't there before, that one is more pronounced some days than others. More worryingly, I have a huge lump either side of the back of my skull, and one either side of my forehead, both weren't there before, and the whole side of my forehead is pretty much swollen. In fact, my entire head feels sore as hell.

Now, I'm just gonna counter this with some other quickfire symptoms - I have vertigo, post nasal drip (soooo thick and soooooo green), panic attacks, reflux symptoms (my mum has this), reaaaally bad headaches, eczema and to top it off chronic asthma, but I know these can be anxiety, I'm also really anaemic, god I have so many problems I don't know where to begin any more :shrug:

Sorry this has been so long winded, I'd just like some reassurance that this is not some weird kind of cancer/disease, its all been going on for so long, I am constantly ill, my doctor absolutely will NOT refer me to an ENT as she thinks I'm making it all up, other doctor thinks I'm a hypochondriac with anxiety, other doctor thinks everything can be solved with antibiotics (which I've tried many times) so I'm at my wits end, constantly feeling ill, most of it is anxiety, I am scared to death I am going to end up with meningitis or septicaemia or some other hideous problem, please could someone throw some water on the constant burning bonfire that is my silly brain (and constantly burning forehead).

Thanks :blush: