View Full Version : New here - Hoping someone can help?

23-03-18, 11:00
Hi there

This is my first post here and I wonder if anyone can help me?

I am a 42 year old female and have suffered on and off from health anxiety/GA for years. I am happily married and have 4 children.

Recently my dad had a heart attack and a triple heart bypass. He's well and recovering but it has been a very stressful time.

I am now suffering from continuous feelings of panic and anxiety. I have so many symptoms and am finding it hard to believe that its all due to the anxiety but at the same time I feel like I can't go to the Dr as there's so much wrong with me!

Here are some of my symptoms

Feel panicky and shaky all the time
heart keeps fluttering which makes me catch my breath
racing heart
dry cough
foggy brain
visual disturbances
shoulder, back and hip pain
weird head sensations (like there's a blockage)
random pulsating in stomach
tender to the touch stomach
extreme tiredness but can't sleep at night

My question is can all this really be because of anxiety? I've had most of the symptoms before but never all at once like now.
Also, it's mainly the left side of my body which is making me so worried that I have a brain tumor or MS. Its a vicious circle as the symptoms are making my anxiety worse because I'm soooo scared something is wrong with me.

I also can't sleep at night even though I'm so tired because all these things are so much worse in bed. I'm scared to fall asleep incase I don't wake up.

So sorry for the long post. Just wondered if anyone had experienced any of this. I truly feel like I'm going mad! :weep:

Thank you in advance for your help!

Love F x

23-03-18, 11:19
Sorry to hear you've had such a stressful time, it often triggers anxiety when someone close is ill. I am not a Dr, but those do all sound like classic anxiety symptoms, my advice would be to get on top of your sleep as soon as possible, before it becomes a pattern, I am currently in a 3 month spiral of sleep deprivation, and the longer it goes on the harder the cycle is to break.
Practice a good sleep routine / Hygiene and stick to it, you'll feel better for it. I find that reading a book at bedtime in dim light can help (no screen time an hour before bed) and also a good quality lavender oil dripped on a pillow.

Good luck


23-03-18, 11:50
Glad to hear your dad is recovering. I'm sure that experience has something to do with what you're experiencing.

To answer your question, yes, they are all SYMPTOMS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) of anxiety.

Positive thoughts

23-03-18, 11:58
Glad to hear your dad is recovering :)

Yes, all of those are symtoms of anxiety. There are so many ways that Anxiety can affect how you feel, its horrific!

Have you spoken to a doctor about your Anxiety at all?
I know you said you feel like you can’t but honestly, i’d mention the Anxiety to them

24-03-18, 21:06
Hi! I think the fact you have all these symptoms simultaneously support s sn anxiety cause. So sorry to hear about your dad but glad he is doing well