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23-03-18, 18:24
My name is Patrick.
I need some help and advice please.
I was dumped 5 weeks ago today, it came out of the blue and ever since then I've been getting weird sensations in my legs, sort of very sensitive around the knees, Canberra tingling in the calf's and sometimes very heavy stiff knees. I also get a very weird sensation in my stomach, not butterflies, but hard to explain. I'm also suffering insomnia, not being able to get back to sleep, cold sweats and my appetite is not what it was.
I've been to the drs and all they said was it's anxiety.

I am totally non plused by these sensations and am very scared. Before all of this was very confident happy go lucky and positive. I don't get a racing heart,but I forget how sometimes. I had acupuncture today, but still no difference.

Please help as I'm very scared.

23-03-18, 18:32
Hiya Pat1969 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

24-03-18, 12:35

If your doctor is ruling out anything serious, my best advice would be relax and let it go. Now i know that sounds like a cop out, but I am serious. there are some good helps here and on the web to show you how to calm down. If the sensations come an go, learning meditative techniques may be your best answer. A break-up or any major change can cause major anxiety, try and learn to breathe through it or really talk to someone you trust. Wish there was a magic answer, but you have to search and try. Best to you Pat1969.

24-03-18, 15:43
I haven't had any tests by the Dr, just the Dr telling me, I know breakups are hard, but I've never been like this in my life. I'm trying not to search too much online as it tells you different timescales, I'm back at work after a break in Scotland with my parents. Maybe if I could get angry that might help, but I've tried. I'm on citalopram 20mg have been for years. So maybe that is stopping me getting angry.

24-03-18, 18:13
Hello. Nice to meet you all.
I’m new to this forum. My name is Stephen and this forum was recommended to me.
Am going through what feels like some fairly strong anxiety/depressive related moods at the moment. Have been on Escotalipram (5mg) for about 5 weeks now and have had problems with fatigue, irritability and insomnia.

I’ve been trying to find a new, more rewarding job for a long time now but have experienced a lot of rejection. Frankly I wonder if I’m at a point where this is starting to overwhelm me as my emotional state has been more intense in recent weeks.