View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms taking over my life

24-03-18, 23:30
Hi I've suffererd with health anxiety for over 12 years and always managed to get out of it but I had a baby 6 months ago and have had symptoms 24/7 that I can't seem to get out of ... dizziness, brain fog, vision problems, insomnia, nausea, fatigue, headaches, palpitations, tremors I could go on what I'm struggling with is usually it's only 1 or two symptoms that come and go and I can get past it but I have every symptom of anxiety all the time... I'm having trouble accepting it its just anxiety I've had bloods tests recently which is all fine I'm booked in for a 24 hour ecg in a couple of weeks ...has anyone had symptoms 24/7 and it IS just anxiety

25-03-18, 07:22
Congratulations on your baby! Experiencing a huge upsurge in anxiety and other mental health problems can be really common after having a baby. The combination of hormones, change and tiredness as well as the extreme responsibility can really play havoc with you. I've been through a few times, one quite recently, where I have had symptoms like you describe that simply won't shift all day every day. If you're not already on medication, it could help. Have you spoken to your GP? Do you have good support around you?

25-03-18, 09:26
Hi thank you for the reply yeah I'm on venlafaxine since December 2016 and have had cbt recently just nothing seems to shift it I'm hoping after my 24 hour ecg I will settle as it's heart worries that is bothering me I had an mri when I was pregnant because of server headaches but that was fine...I just want it to stop so I can enjoy my kids as I have a 4 year old too

25-03-18, 19:03
I have had at least one anxious thought or physical fear every day for the past 12 years. I can usually stay on top of the odd one or two but every now and then just too many things overwhelm me. Like you I have seemingly every symptom for anxiety all in one go and you just don't know what to tackle first.

The most comforting thing I can say is that it always passes. Slowly things will calm down again and you can go back to just worring about the one thing at a time! :D

Are you seeing a therapist? Maybe just having a chat with your GP will help you. Sometimes just spilling out all the things in your head can help massively and help clear the fog a bit.

25-03-18, 19:17
Yeh it does usually pass but it's been everyday for the last 6 months it's exhausting Yeh I've had councilling done a CBT course nothing works atm only time I feel relief is when I finally get to sleep

25-03-18, 20:10
I would definitely talk to your GP about how you feel as it seems like you are really struggling. I think it's quite natural that your anxiety levels would shoot up in what is a stressful period for "'normal people". I think the anxiety mixed with the natural stress of Motherhood is why it seems more extreme and has lasted as long as it has. I know a couple who have recently had a child and the man in the relationship has just been diagnosed with diabetes. He's stressing about his new illness and his new child and last week it came to a head and he broke down. Since then he's felt a lot better about everything as before that he had kept everything in. Sometimes just letting it out to someone can make a big difference.

I don't know your situation but maybe you just need a break like we all do at times. It's hard looking after a young child and a lot of parents feel exhausted in the first few years so I think what you are experiencing is something a lot of people can relate to. I hope you feel better soon!

25-03-18, 20:46
Thank you I know they are anxiety symptoms as I've had loads of tests the last year and found nothing except for a 24 hour ecg which I'm getting soon I do get a lot of help of my mum which she moved in to help me and she has the kids twice a week for me to catch up on sleep I've spoke to my gp loads and he just tells me to go therapy but I've tried that many times my tablets do work as I don't have panic attacks as much just anxiety symptoms which before I used to have panic attacks everyday

25-03-18, 20:51
welcome to the club, shezza. Most of us on here are being bombarded with daily symptoms ruining our lives. Ive had anxiety for 20+ years but the past 1.5 years have been the worst by farrrrrr. I was doing so well for a long time, then suddenly lately I started swaying, feeling like im walking on sponges, get head bobs, body jerks, swallowing issues, shaking all over. And the worst part is it sometimes happens out of nowhere. I feel fine and suddenly I get symptoms. I see no end really.

25-03-18, 22:52
Oh baz I don't know how you do it I don't know if I can do that long it's really getting me down I totally get what u mean by swaying it's so annoying I can be in a shop and it feels like the floor is moving ... the worst symptom for me tho is the dizziness and eye problems

---------- Post added at 22:52 ---------- Previous post was at 22:51 ----------

I probably get 4/5 hours a day free of symptoms but spaced out through the day