View Full Version : Accidentally touched poop??

25-03-18, 05:43
Hi, there- this query is definitely not for the faint of heart. I wish I didn't even have to post it.

So- I am in Europe traveling! Woo hoo! Something new that I have discovered here is the presence of Turkish toilets, which are basically holes in the ground with marble slabs on either side to put your feet. There is also a lever to pull which effectively flushes them. Today I was holding my keys and phone and entered a public Turkish toilet. Unfortunately, my house key fell directly into the hole where there was water and poop (that wasn't mine). I had no other choice than to reach in and get my keys. Needless to say, it was the worst. There was some poo and water on my hands, and residually on my phone. And on my keys. I rushed home (5 minutes or less) and washed my hands many times. I also washed my keys a million times and wiped my phone down with a cloth soaked in soap and water. I am very concerned because I bite my nails and have a few small cuts on my fingers. Do you think I could contract any diseases from this awful episode? I feel so disgusting. Of course because I have health anxiety, I am freaking out over HIV (even though you can't get it from poop that isn't contaminated with very fresh blood), E Coli, and hep a and b. What do you guys think I should do? Sorry for this very gross question but I am a panicky person. Thank you so much for the support- xo

25-03-18, 05:57
You’ll be fine.

25-03-18, 06:06
Argh! That's like a comedy sketch.

Other than being very unpleasant and probably needing some brain bleach to forget about it, all you need to do is clean everything that has been affected. You could always use antibacterial wipes on the phone but other than that soap & hot water would take care of things for your hands & keys. You could always use something like Milton that is used to sterilise things for babies, perhaps soaking the keys in it, but you are doing everything you need too.

Whilst you say you have small cuts I suspect you mean they are healed anyway so not open wounds.

25-03-18, 09:43
Haha! I take it you're not a mom? :D I don't mean to make fun of you, but as someone who has handled plenty of poop - my kids' and others' - poop is just poop. Yes, it's gross, yes, there's a potential for disease, but poop is just poop. You wash your hands and observe basic hygiene rules, and everything is fine. No reason to worry.