View Full Version : The stress of it all.

25-03-18, 12:51
I'm just venting, its a 10min distraction from googling

Does anyone else do literally nothing but google their symptoms?

I'll think of a way to google something, read about 5 pages..try and do something else then immediately stop when I've thought of a new way to google it and go try that. It doesn't matter if its 2am when I'm trying to sleep or if I'm at work..I'll drop everything and go hide outside and google it on my phone.

I've had this lower left bowel discomfort for over 2 months now. persistent, constant..just there. Not exactly painful but enough to make me think about it.
Odds are its a very bad case of stress based IBS or perhaps something along the lines of diverticular diseease as at a lower level that would match my symptons quite well.

It's not thought is it. Its bowel cancer, its 100% bowel cancer and the thing (which I'm sure most of you know) is stress and anxiety make general bowel problems/IBS 50x worse. Which leads to ..my bowel cancer is progressing. I've also tried medication thats suppose to help with IBS - doesnt work = bowel cancer.

I find I get a lot of tinging/burning sensations in my feet/legs/hands and some times where the pain is, like my bowel is burning/inflamed. After spending 2 months googling I can't really see anyone saying their tumour felt like it was "burning" I'm fairly sure the tinging in my extremities is anxiety related as I can shake my legs/distract myself and they tend to go. It's probably anxiety. No it isnt, its bowel cancer and its pushing on my spine/messing with my nerves. (despite having no back pain)

When this pain started, I had a bad bout of constipation (from taking painkillers for something else) and spending 1-2 weeks straining like mad left me with this (Which is why I think/hope its diverticular) It's not like I had a tumour down there that caused a partial obstruction which has now kindly pushed itself to the side (because I've had plenty of fine BM since) It was also the time I wanted to make some dietary changes. I wanted to lose 3-4 stone. According to some app at my size I was consuming about 2500 calories a day, if I wanted to lose 1lb a week it would need to be around 2100 and then 1700ish to lose up to 2lb a week. I changed my diet to be more healthy, added more fruit, removed any treats, changed pepsi to water and have been trying to take in a lot more fibre (including fybogel) to keep BM's relatively stable. Roughly working it out most days I'm around 1500-1600 calories, sometimes more sometimes less. In 9 weeks I've lost about 13lbs. 1.5lb a week? great my diet is working and is pretty much bang on what it should be. No, no it isnt its advanced bowel cancer and this is my "unintended weight loss"

I have now recently found myself with some new aches, now it feels like its across the top of my abdomen (just under the ribs) General abdominal bloating I suppose which comes and goes, and has done since wednesday or so, although its something I've never really experienced before. It may well be all this fibre I'm now scared to stop, it may be these probiotics I've started to take, it may be anxiety. But no, not to me, its my bowel cancer spreading, liver cancer is a popular destination it goes to (I'm practically an expert after all this googling) so that would make sense - my liver is now swollen and full of tumours pushing down on my bowel. But then it tricks me, the ache goes all the way across, my liver doesnt go that far, maybe its spread to my stomach/pancreas instead.

I had blood tests back when it all started, and urine incase I had a UTI. They came back fine. That surprised me because at the very least I expected to be anemic. Apparently I'm not. I've been on stool patrol since this started expecting to see blood pretty much every time I go. I have to my knowledge never see anything that resembled fresh blood or darker/tar (Once or twice it seemed a bit darker - then I remembered I'd previously just consumed a load of blueberries) Barring seeing some white chunks occasionally (which I cant decide if its a clump of mucus within the stool or some undigested food) they have generally been fine, given where my ache is my stools should be pretty formed by that point so again I don't think I've got a polite tumour that just moves to the side when I need to go. I don't have any colicky pain/its not pushing past anything I also can't really feel anything out of the ordinary when I'm having my daily poke in the area.

I've been referred to a specialist in May but was told I didn't really have any red flags and it seemed unlikely to be cancer at my age (32) - great so why mention it! I could just monitor it if I wanted but he thought a camera up the bum would be fine. I sway between trying to ride it out despite it ruining my life to ringing up and going privately but thats 2.5k to queue jump a couple of weeks at best. I have done nothing remotely..entertaining in the last 2 months, every minute I'm awake I'm googling for answers, I probably sleep 3-4hrs at best, I feel like I'm bordering on a breakdown all the time. I try and reassure myself It's probably something benign but then I catch something that makes me think this is it, I've got cancer everywhere and I'm too scared to have it confirmed.

I'm ranting because it stops me googling, I doubt anyone will read it. I've never felt so crap in my life and the amusing thing is the actual discomforts I'm having are barely contributing to how I feel (apart from being really bloody annoying) Health anxiety is awful and I don't think I'll be able to find anything that will help me until I have a load of tests that tell me otherwise (which make me sick to the stomach even thinking about!)

Well, if anyone made it/can relate. Thanks :roflmao:

25-03-18, 13:02
I stopped googling, but I worry myself every symptom I get, every bump, checking my poop and wee colour is bad. I worried about my weight as our scales at home told me I lost weight,

Try not to Google if you can limit yourself to reading things a few times per day, and go less and less reading health sites each day.

25-03-18, 13:04
This is my life currently, combined with googling why I google things. It feels like I have never ending white noise urging me to find answers, but there are none! Not from Doctor Google atleast

25-03-18, 14:13
I stopped googling, but I worry myself every symptom I get, every bump, checking my poop and wee colour is bad. I worried about my weight as our scales at home told me I lost weight,

Try not to Google if you can limit yourself to reading things a few times per day, and go less and less reading health sites each day.

There are games I could play, there are TV shows I could watch, theres plenty of things I could do. I don't know, I feel like I shouldnt. I feel like my life is on hold...or over so whats the point in doing anything. If I ever actually got an all clear I think I'd book a week off work just to binge catch up on things I've missed. But at the moment it doesn't seem right. I have to fix this problem (even though I'm not convinced its fixable) THEN I can go back to having a life, everything has been on hold since the middle of Jan.

I think your right, I think everyone is right, I've annoyed friends by constantly going on, I've annoyed family, I've annoyed anyone that will listen. I'm fully aware this is not the way to go about it and It's probably a very very small % of having anything serious/terminal I just do not do well with being ill/having something long term. I've broke plenty of bones and they don't bother me, you get an x-ray, you get a cast and you take it easy for a couple of months. Internal..organ stuff freaks me out, theres nothing in the middle, its completely healthy or your dying.

My new worry is the debate about if stools should float or not..and a lot of people seem to say if they float there is probably an issue. In my last 2 months of checking I would say 90%+ of mine are floating, I had no idea it was even a possible problem! :shrug:

25-03-18, 14:22
I am the same Anom I go on about my health worries with my parents, I am trying to get help, causing friction,, I worry about my health, I'm not convinced that my parents tell me I am fine.

25-03-18, 17:51
Anom. Know what you mean about the organ stuff. Pain in my upper abdomen for over 7 years has only been vaguely diagnosed as "functional" i feel like im being treated as a naughty child by my drs because i cant believe them. I wish i could.
I google in desperation but it only ever confirms my fears that i have a deadly illness so its pointless. Ive got to the stage where im in anxiety hell whether i google or not because nothing stops the pain. Im 63, so much older than you. At your age it is unlikely to be a serious illness.
If you are still at the stage where you can be made to feel worse by googling, then please stop before you lose hope.

25-03-18, 20:21
^ That sounds awful dealing with discomfort for 7 years. I don't even want to go back to my doctors, they don't take it seriously, I'm sure if I changed what I was talking about to alien abductions and terrorist attacks or something they would continue to just nod and agree while typing away. I didn't appreciate one of them ringing up and started to talk to me about bowel cancer symptoms, I had to just go along with it (even though I'd already spent 3-4 weeks before hand thinking this was what I had)

I suppose a lot of it is the way you google. If you google abdominal pains, I guess you have a few options, if you google abdominal pains cancer...great.

I would like to say/presume if you have had ongoing discomfort for 7 years its probably not that "deadly" (however terrible it probably is to live with) but I know I would do exactly the same.

I can't accept this is just IBS, its a different type of pain to what I've had before but when I google it, I don't really come up with many options, once you remove all the inflammatory diseases (which I know I don't have because I don't have runny/bloody stools) Your left with IBS/your making it up/possibly cancer/or something you've never heard of that affects one person every 400 years.

I have my ups and my downs. I generally feel better when I'm not at work because I can lay down (when its less noticeable) or even walk the dog (again walking is less noticeable) but sitting down hunched over my desk for 9hrs just brings it to the front of my mind and before long I'm shaking like a leaf in fear. This new addition to the pain is troublesome as it doesn't seem..related to my existing discomfort. which is causing alsorts of leaps in my head. Perhaps its a new anxiety symptom, The fact its the same organ has me incredibly worried however.

I don't know if google makes it better or worse anymore, spending 8hrs of your saturday off work reading peoples symptoms of stage 4 advanced bowel cancer to see if you can relate is clearly no way to live but :huh: