View Full Version : Horray for FA!

Fanny Adams
14-12-04, 10:15
Hi guys,

I joined last week and keep reading all your wonderful posts. I actually joined on Thursday. Every Thursday I go to see my CBT lady (cognitive Behav Therapist); I do this as the last two years of my life have been constant panic - always having time off work cos Im either throwing up or cant get out of bed etc.

However, Something was different on Thursday - after reading all the info on here it actually brought on a panic attack ( why was I the only one who feared being in love ?) needless to say I was clinging to my steering wheel in my car and when I got to Jo I said "Im having a panic attack, I never have them during the day whats wrong?"

She put me straight into hypnosis where I was for a good hour I think. Everything from me being 4 years old, to my sister, my half brother mum and dad and my fiance were there. However, the one thing that clinched it for me was Ali ( My fiance ) Jo asked me whether I wanted to love alistair and I replied "Yes" Instantly although crying at the same time. Everyone I have loved completely has left me, including my parents when I was 16, my sister etc - so its only natural to build up this wall in front of Ali.

But when I woke up I felt as though a weight had been lifted. I felt I wasnt LYING to myself anymore. I thought I was TELLING myself I loved alistair when I didnt really. But thats changed now. I do love him, but Ive supressed it for so long.

When I got home we talked and laughed and we cried and for the first time in near on 3 years I had the "love flutter" you know, the butterflies in the stomache.

But thats not the good bit.

Although I have a virus now (so exhausted and lost my voice ) I havent had a panic attack since Thursday - thanks to you, thanks to Jo, but thanks to ME as well. I feel so positive. When I feel a panic coming on I say "ok, so Im not going to get married tomorrow, but I KNOW I love Alistair, I KNOW my parents love me, Im GROWN now" and it dissipates.

I guess this is my way of saying thank you to you guys

Love Always
Sweet FA

Everything is Sweet FA!

14-12-04, 20:40
hello FA,

I'm glad to hear that you are finding the site useful and that it is making you feel a lot better. It is always nice to be able to hear from people who know what you yourself are going through. I hope that you are still panic attack free and that you keep visiting the site!!

Sarah :D

14-12-04, 22:00
hi Fa, thats great news, hope u continue feeling better yake care Vernon

15-12-04, 13:45
Hi Fa,

I'm so pleased for you. You have done well. Keep up the PMT (POSITIVE MENTAL THINKING!)

Take care,


15-12-04, 15:50

I am sooooooo :D happy for you.
Keep those positive thoughts going.



All problems have a begining and an end!

15-12-04, 19:01
Well done! Hope you keep getting better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better and better (get the picture here? lol) xxxx
