View Full Version : the new harry potter!

12-07-07, 23:30
I've just come back from the cinema seeing the new Harry Potter! I was dreading it as it makes me very, very dizzy and disorientated but my hubby wanted to treat the whole family for his birthday.
I had four ectopics in there and i did go dizzy whenever the camera moved about, i turned away or shut my eyes then and it went away. But i am still suffering badly with my throat and neck, feels like it's dry and i'm being strangled now. And i keep losing my swollowing reflex as well now, seems to be getting worse. I managed in the pictures, i was in there for two hours, and we had to sit at the front as they were the only seats left available when we went in. But i suppose i did ok, i have to hold onto everything and my family when i come out for about half an hour until the dizziness starts the subside again though. But i am still alive aren't i? I think so!
I didn't like the ectopics though, they were big and central and took my breathe away, sudden and unexpected too. I have been having about two a day, so i was not impressed with this at all. But like i say, i'm still alive.x

12-07-07, 23:48
Well, I think you deserve a

for that angiebaby!!

Yes, you survived and you stuck it out even though you were suffering!

You should be very proud of yourself x


13-07-07, 00:20
Oh thank you so much for that. But i was shocked to be honest that as soon as we pulled up in the car park all i wanted to do was sob my heart out and i don't know why. Could have cried all the way through really, but i didn't. Suppose i was just feeling sorry for myself as i can't enjoy anything anymore.
Thanks for saying i did well though GG.x

13-07-07, 09:30
hey angie
well done for sticking it out at the cinema. Overall, despite the symptoms, did you enjoy the film? Try to concentrate on the good part of the experience.

You need to break this circle of bad stuff. Until you break it, all the dizziness persists. My dizziness is much better these days - although watching TV and reading can set it off (the cinema definitely would have me reaching for the sick bag though so well done to you!)

You know you say you need to hold on to people when you have the ectopics. when I have palpitations I have always thought I need to lie down. My therapist told me that was in my head, and I need to experiment. Guess what I can keep standing and I am more in control than lying there feeling the worst is going to happen.

Can you try an experiment - next time you think you need to hold on to someone, ground your feet firmly and say I am going to face this on my own and stand up firm or keep walking (perhaps slowly), try to fix your gaze on something in the distance and tell yourself that it's okay to have these feelings. I guarantee if you do that a few times you will start to feel a little more in control, and this will build.

As for crying after the film, you did really well and it was most likely relief. You did it! You were really brave - and there is no bravery without fear!

love, bead

13-07-07, 09:32
:ohmy: Hi Angie

Yes, i have to agree with GG, i think its fabulous that when feeling so rotten you stuck it out!:yesyes: WELL DONE YOU!!

Please dont be hard on yourself hun, thats a great achievement!:hugs:

Im afraid im not as brave as you lol, i will be waiting for Harry Potter to come out on DVD:ohmy: .

Sending you hugs too:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

13-07-07, 10:01
Oh well done for sitting it out, glad to hear you enjoyed the film, i went last night too it was great , you willl enjoy it to honeybee, the next harry potter book is out on 21st of july.

13-07-07, 12:08
I think you did marvellously well!! :yesyes:

Wanting to burst into tears is my thing too when I feel panicky - it's a release of tension like the steam off a kettle when it's boiled!

The cinema can be a big thing cos the screen is massive and sooooooooooooo loud isn't it.

I tell you what though the more you go the more used to it you would get and then you'd be able to relax while you're there.

Very well done again hun.

Love Piglet :flowers:

17-07-07, 20:55
Hi angie! If it helps, I just come back from seeing HP too, must have had upto 15 or so thudding, breath taking ectopic beats. I'd understand if it was a bad film, but I really enjoyed it.

I had a few here and there before the film, had a blood test this morning, and since coming out of the cinema I've had a few more but feel loads better. It had reassured me in a way, because I did feel anxious in there, anxious about the symptoms causing the symptoms I guess. It gives me a slight bit of confidence that it is anxiety causing these palpitations, just hope I can hold out til the next doctors appointment over a week away.

Well done to you!! :yesyes:

Looking forward to book 7 massively!!!

19-07-07, 00:02
Thanks guys!!
I am afraid that i was not impressed by the film at all. And neither was my hubby, we were expecting emuch more, like the book. We enjoy the books very much and the films, so far, have been very good, but this one was a very poor representation of the book we think, sorry to perhaps put people off going, it is only our opinion. Thanks for the kind words guys.x