View Full Version : Freaking out i might have ear cancer

26-03-18, 10:12
The last 2 weeks, i had bad headaches and a little dizziness feeling and my nose have been congestion. so i thought i had a sinus infection. got antibiotics.and i did a sinus rinse and i think i use to much pressure. after that my ear has felt full. the ear nurse told me to do blow my nose think which i being doing but it feels like it makes it worse
but it now it just on one side of my head and my ear feels really full like something is stuck in my ear drum tube. like stuff need to be sucked out.

And tonight i notice my earlobe is swollen compare to the other side then i saw a pimple like sore right down the bottom of my earlobe like 0.5cms after from my earrings. and i notice it was swollen ages ago so i just took my earrings out for a bit and forgot about it and i didn't check for a sores

Im so scared, i googled it and all the symptoms i have appear to be the same as ear cancer. like the fullness feeling on just one side and my nasal stuffnesss and headaches. I am so scared, and i have my check bone hurts when i touch it

What should i do, go the doctors ?? or go to the ear clinic which is just nurses, which is what i plan to do to see if my ear needs sucking out
And i am so sad and that its going to be bad

27-03-18, 06:42
This is a cause and effect situation, no?

First, you were sick, so you could easily get an ear infection. Thrn you did a sinus rinse and admittedly, used too much pressure, further worsening the original issue. Then, you did what the nurse said, but it hurt worse. Those things, logically, do not add up to ear cancer. Thry add up to your ear being sore.

Everyone gets pimples on their ears. It happens. It is surely just a coincidence. You should probably see a doctor for an ear infection, but by the sounds of things you certainly dont have ear cancer.