View Full Version : Hello my name is Marius and i need help/advice.

26-03-18, 18:35
Hello i'm Marius 24 years old student part time brewer.
On January 26 i started having severe pains for no reason. (i was on a week long holiday just catching up on some pc games ive missed out). The pains were mainly concetrated in my left shoulder, shoulder blade and my left chest side. At first i was okay with that i used to have pains like that. But the pains grew it became worrysome but as stupid as i am i ignored them had half a night of sleep and woke up in the morning ready to go to work. My girlfriend was driving, but my pains were getting worse i started googling heart attack symptoms... And then it happened this sensatiom of falling and what it seemed like a few hard heartbeats. I screamed told my girlfriend to turnback and head for the clinics. Whilst i was clutching my chest and shivering like a leaf. My blood tests were a-ok my blood pressure was very high like 160/120. Troponin was ok ekg were ok. Doctors had no other choice but to let me back home.
The pain persisted maybe a bit smaller than before due to all the drugs. Had a hard time falling asleep, watched jim carrie movies until i passed out.
The next day i ate at my mother in law had a huge headache and threw up, the headache then reduced.
I was scared all the time.
But i know that doctors cant be wrong? I read about troponin levels and how accurate they are so i said to myself that it was just paranoa and decided to go see a movie with my gf a few days later.
During the movie the same thing happened just without the heart beats. I ran out shivering into the car and told my gf to drive to the clinic. I was shivering all the way there with the same pain. Doctors said the same thing. ''your levels are fine'' gave me some diazepam and sent me home.
After that i searched for my symptoms on google and found out about things like panic attacks and anxiety. Contacted my doctor and she sent me to a psichiatrist then psychologist. And yah they told me that its probably so. And set me up on 3mg bromezapam and a month later on 20mg seroxat antidepresant. It helped get my mind straight yet the pain remained had no panic attacks for a month but i was getting strange symptoms like my heart seemed to be beating really hard especially if i was on my back , i mean i couldnt read a book my hands were moving so much from each heartbeat! And then one time it seemed something clicked inside my chest and i felt calmness and didnt feel those hard beats. And thats when another attack hit me. I was so used to those hardbeats that i didnt understand how can i not feel them all of a sudden. I started walking round my apartment thinking should i call an ambulance but my girlfriend calmed me down and i just fell asleep on the couch because i felt tired.
Those ''clickings'' happened a couple more times and nearly had panic attacks each time but managed to control them.
I didnt have a panic attack for near two months now. I study, i brew some beer, alls good only i always check my pulse because im paranoid. I have been signed up for magnetic resonance for my shoulder and shoulder blade pains. But the clinic that had the device was 200km away and i was kinda scared of driving long distance because the first attack happened in a car.
All went well we did the mri went home the went to see out family , grilled some burgers and were home back by 21:30.
I felt exhausted and knowing i had to get up early next morning ( at 7:00) i went to sleep right away.
Then i woke up to my alarm and had this shitty feeling in my chest that started to grow it was like nothing before like someone was squeezing inside me. Cold sweats started running down my back i started shivering and having double vision, my gf called an ambulance they did a quick ekg all was fine except again blood pressure higher like 140/110.
They rushed me to the clinics took blood tests and decided to let me stay since my Troponin I test came back high. I mean their norm is 0.04 and i was at 19. But the strange thing was that after 3hours they took it again and it was 0.03.
I failed to mention that after my first panic attack i visited a few heart clinics out of paranoa and they all said i was fine. Did all the tests imaginable.
Im still at the clinics doing all sorts of different tests in constant care. My doctor says theres nothing to worry about im to young and that the elevated troponin I levels mean nothing.
Yet im concerned is it really panic attacks? Can Troponin rise out of tiredness and then just drop?
I know its a wall of text but ive been living in paranoa since January 27.
Thank you.

26-03-18, 22:23
It's understandable when you have such shocking symptoms that you can't believe it's 'just panic attacks'

and even if lots of people reassure you here - as helpful as that may be in the short term it won't deal with the problem in the long term.

You need to REALLY understand exactly what way panic attacks work so that you can relate it to your own experience

Go to this site cbt4panic.org

read through Workbook 1 - it will take you half an hour - what have you got to lose??

then have a read though some of the 'therapy dialogues' to hear how MANY others feel exactly as you do and how they came through it

26-03-18, 23:13
Your experiencing what I experienced during my very first panic attack. I thought I was having a heart attack and I laid on my bed just begging God to take me quickly. I too didn't believe any of the tests because I kept having the symptoms. After a while I noticed that certain things triggered my symptoms and they weren't happening randomly. At this time Panic Attacks were not well known so I spent a lot of time going from doctor to hospital trying to figure it out. Once I found a doctor who knew about them, he prescribed my Zoloft. It was my life saver. It took a while for it to kick in, but when it did, I felt like a different person. My major trigger was carbon monoxide from cars. I would have major panic in parking garages or when I was near a busy street. The mind is s strange animal indeed.

26-03-18, 23:40
Hey, I don't know what troponin is...

It seems weird to me that the doctors didn't tell you it could have been anxiety the first or second time!

If you're living in paranoia, whether or not these symptoms are all panic attacks, it can be helpful to work on your mental health. We can all be mentally healthier than we are :)

Best of luck to you!

27-03-18, 07:09
My main issue is the sudden rise and fall of my troponin I :( thats why im hospitalized. Docs are running hundreds of tests and saying im fine. But troponin I cant just rise like that.

27-03-18, 11:00
At some point you have to decide whether to ignore all the experts and live in continuous fear of that one anomaly which has been thoroughly explored and cleared or explore the possibility that you are experiencing health anxiety with panic attacks

Your life from now on will be whatever you choose to do

Check this thread for help with Health Anxiety

and this site for help with panic

27-03-18, 12:39
What is troponin ?

27-03-18, 12:59
A thing that shows up in your blood if your heart gets damaged.