View Full Version : Started Lexapro- Worsened depression?

26-03-18, 19:51
I was wondering if Lexapro can make you more depressed when starting it. I'm on day 7 of 5mg, and starting from the third day, I've been feeling more anxious and depressed. This makes my OCD worse as well. Each day just feels tougher, and it's almost as bad as before I started therapy a few months ago which was my lowest point. I'm also feeling exceptionally exhausted and unmotivated today. I have no other side effects except maybe slightly dilated pupils which doesn't concern me.

This is my first time on an antidepressant so I'm new to this. I am really hoping this eases up, I badly want to feel better and be able to use my therapy more efficiently to tackle the OCD. Thanks in advance!

26-03-18, 21:08
Hey. I’m not on Lexapro, but a different drug called venlafaxine. I’m sure someone whis on this drug can give you better information how long the side effects last etc. But just to say I’ve had increased anxiety which has caused me to feel depressed and made my thoughts crazy every time I’ve started or increased dose on my antidepressant. It’s tough starting out but hang in there xx

26-03-18, 22:45
Hey. I’m not on Lexapro, but a different drug called venlafaxine. I’m sure someone whis on this drug can give you better information how long the side effects last etc. But just to say I’ve had increased anxiety which has caused me to feel depressed and made my thoughts crazy every time I’ve started or increased dose on my antidepressant. It’s tough starting out but hang in there xx

Thanks roxy! I appreciate your input. It makes me feel a bit better that this may just be a transient side effect. I took today's dose and will hang in there!

27-03-18, 10:00
No problem. Good luck! The doctor did give me diazepam to help with the increased anxiety side effect. I’m not a huge fan of taking it but it did work on the occasions where I ended up really worked up and gave me a little break 😊

27-03-18, 20:07
Thanks again! That's good to know! Right now I'm feeling so anxious that I keep getting up to find things to do, haha! I wish you the best. :)

28-03-18, 08:40
I was wondering if Lexapro can make you more depressed when starting it. I'm on day 7 of 5mg, and starting from the third day, I've been feeling more anxious and depressed. This makes my OCD worse as well. Each day just feels tougher, and it's almost as bad as before I started therapy a few months ago which was my lowest point. I'm also feeling exceptionally exhausted and unmotivated today. I have no other side effects except maybe slightly dilated pupils which doesn't concern me.

This is my first time on an antidepressant so I'm new to this. I am really hoping this eases up, I badly want to feel better and be able to use my therapy more efficiently to tackle the OCD. Thanks in advance!

Lexapro worked great for me.
Give it another week and see how you feel.
I was on 5mg for 2 weeks then went to 10mg and took it for 5 years before going off it as I no longer needed it.

28-03-18, 20:09
Lexapro worked great for me.
Give it another week and see how you feel.
I was on 5mg for 2 weeks then went to 10mg and took it for 5 years before going off it as I no longer needed it.

Thanks for the input! Glad to know it worked well for you. I'm on day 9, and this morning I felt less anxious, but still very antsy. I feel so distracted it's difficult to sit down, concentrate, and work. I'm sure a lot of this might be myself making the anxiety worse, but really hoping these next few days before seeing the psychiatrist get better! :)