View Full Version : A setback, swollen groin lymph nodes...just not sure where to go from here

26-02-18, 14:32
Hi all, I was so happy to find this community. Here is my story:

It all started last week, I felt a pea-sized swollen lymph node in my groin. Then another little one below it. They were hard, but can be pushed back and forth a bit. Went to the doc, was misdiagnosed as a hernia. Was really hurting the next day so I went to the er.

Once in the ER, I got a CT Scan of my abomen/pelvis, an ultrasound of that area and had bloodwork done. Thy found nothing out of the ordinary but found I didn't have a hernia, but two swollen groin lymph nodes, and were interested in the fact I had gotten a cat the week prior, thought maybe I picked up a bacterial infection from it.

I consulted Dr. Google (mistake) and learned that a biopsy is the only way to diagnose any kind of cancer, my greatest fear. Followed up with the doc after the ER, he didn't seem concerned and said they would probably go away and were most likely the result of an infection. Went back two days later, swearing I had found another node swollen, doc checked, said all was fine, reiterated he didn't think I had lymphoma, or anything like it and was almost convinced of it. I asked if I should get a biopsy, he said there was nothing to even biopsy, that the nodes were so small and superficial.

So the nodes are still the same size a week later, and if they are the result of an infection, could take 2-4 months to go down, or may never go down at all. I have had, a nurse practitioner, an ER physician and my own doctor twice seem unconcerned and think I will be okay, but I keep convincing myself they ae all wrong and that I have lymphoma and am dying. The node are still the same size, no change...ugh.

26-02-18, 14:41
I have one in my neck, just like you describe except mine is kinda soft. I had it ultrasounded and confirmed it was a swollen node. I follow up in May with another ultrasound and seeing my ENT. I know how you feel. Ugh!

26-02-18, 20:10
Lymph nodes are suppose to be pea sized. They may not be swollen just palpable which is completely normal. Also groin lymph nodes are generally bigger than lymph nodes in other parts of the body from what I heard

06-03-18, 19:56
So about 2 weeks ago, I had two lymph nodes flare up in my groin. You can barely see them on the surface of the skin, but when you push down you can really feel them. One is pea sized and has stayed that way, the other maybe a bit bigger. Very palpable and enlarged, hard but move around. I had been a bit under the weather with a sore throat too.

Went to the ER where they felt the nodes performed a CT Scan, Ultrasound and did lots of bloodwork. Everything came back normal. Even said Lymphoma or cancer may be a reach. Diagnosed with possible cat scratch disease as I did have enflamed lymph nodes that were swollen. But...Dr. Google said only a biopsy will tell ya fr sure.

Went to gp for followup. Said he did not think it was cancer after looking at bloodwork and ct scan, just make sure they do not get bigger.

About 4 days ago, poking around on ribs and felt a hard lump, ANOTHER NODE! I kind of freaked, but had my 14 day followup with the gp. More poking and reassuring he was not thinking cancer. Prescribed another round of antibiotics and said give it time to go down. Said if they persist we can order a biopsy. Says he thinks I will be okay. 10 days until my next appointment.

I keep feeling like I have lymphoma for sure. Just so weird to have such growths in your groin and over your ribs. I'm obsessed, but trying hard not to touch them for 3-4 days to see if that helps. Any similar experiences out there?

06-03-18, 20:05
Nodes are a big topic of discussion on the boards. If you have to poke and prod to feel them, they're not of concern. I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor. The node in question as blatantly obvious sticking out of my neck.

Listen to your doctor, take the meds and for goodness sakes, don't poke and prod!

Positive thoughts

06-03-18, 20:10

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

06-03-18, 20:11
Thanks for the advice and info. I don't have to poke and prod, well for one I do, and the other, if i lightly run my finger over it, it is a rea-sizd bump. I am thinking the doctor has seen lymphoma before and probably has his reasons for not feeling too concerned.

06-03-18, 20:35
A pea sized not is of no concern. As I said, I'm a cancer survivor. The node in question was the size of a grape and by the time I went in for surgery it looked like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck. They removed two 5+cm nodes.

You've been tested and there's no reason to pursue it further.

Positive thoughts

06-03-18, 20:39
I've had Cancer too. And I've had this exact fear in 2017. Turns out it was nothing and they went down after many months. Stop checking them. That's all you can do. Checking will cause them to enlarge and once enlarged they take a long time to go down. The are sensitive to touch. If you don't stop you will continue to have this fear.

06-03-18, 20:41
Thanks again for the input. That is kind of where I am now, just thinking give it ten days and then let the doc decide whether or not a biopsy is a good course of action, or if we shoul let it ride.

In the meantime, I am going to try not to touch and not to search for phantom symptoms. My logical brain tells me that if something were seriously wrong, all of the blod tests and scans and everything else would've found a hint of something sinster.

Just have to stay strong.

06-03-18, 20:43
Thanks again for the input. That is kind of where I am now, just thinking give it ten days and then let the doc decide whether or not a biopsy is a good course of action, or if we shoul let it ride.

In the meantime, I am going to try not to touch and not to search for phantom symptoms. My logical brain tells me that if something were seriously wrong, all of the blod tests and scans and everything else would've found a hint of something sinster.

Just have to stay strong.

Once you stop touching you'll start to forget your fear and before you know it you'll either be cured, or if like me you'll have found a new fear :roflmao:

06-03-18, 22:36
Inguinal lymph nodes are always bigger. I read the Stanford literature on lymphoma and they actually aren't considered enlarged down there until they are more than 2.5cm or something.

26-03-18, 20:50
Hey folks. I have posted here before, and always love the feedback. Anyway, long story short, a bit over 5 weeks ago found 2 swollen lymph nodes in my groin (clinically swollen, no clue on cm's or anything) like little domes popping out of my skin. They are rubbery, hardish but move back and forth when i move them with fingertip. One is peanut sized, the other grape sized.

So it was weird, freaked out, went to er had blood work, CT Scan and Ultrasound. Lots of poking and prodding, everyone there thought the nodes to be reactive. I then made the mistake of reading how lymphoma can sneak by a blood test and CT Scan, awesome. I flip. So 3 more visits to my doc in ehich he says I have nothing to be too concerned about unless they grow bigger. I finish 2 rounds of antibiotics, and he finally refers me to a surgeon for biopsy to "ease my mind" as he was pretty certain it wasn't cancer but could see how anxious I was.

Go to my consult, physician/surgeon does lots of poking and prodding (as did my GP), says there is nothing he would be concerned about and thought the risk of the biopsy outweighed benefit of knowledge gained, says there is a very low chance of lymphoma and that if they grow bigger to come back for a biopsy. Sent me back to GP a week later, who thought the nodes may be getting a bit smaller seemed satisfied.

So I have been keeping on. Started CBT. They still feel the same size to me 5 weeks in. Things are okay, not great...then

My mom spoke with a friend a few nights ago who had a husband who went through the same thing as me, with additional pain and stomach cramps, and she told my mom i need to see a specialist (hematologist) as her husband's ended up being lymphoma that took a year to diagnose after being mistaken for reactive nodes. My mom calls and tells me this, and now my anxieties are through the roof again! Why are these little guys here 5 weeks later? What if they never go down? Why is there no ready cause? I'm focusing on every ache and pain and being a punk in general. Just...tired of all the unknowns. Like, what if I let myself relax and it is something bad and it harms me by not being vigilant? What if no one takes me seriously and it gets to stage 4 and I die? Ugh. I know it is anxiety more than likely and not lymphoma, but just weird these things came up like this.

26-03-18, 23:59

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

27-03-18, 14:56
The professionals you visited have more than likely seen both real cases of lymphoma and false alarms. If the only reason they keep on giving you tests is because you keep insisting on having them, then nothing is wrong. Put your faith in them and relax.

06-04-18, 16:40

Got a biopsy (to the chagrin of many) and guess what? It isn't cancer in my lymph nodes...but wait! Doc said he had never seen a case like mine, but had heard about them and read about them. My body in response to something formed a tumor of lymphocytes inside one of my swollen nodes. My second swollen node reacted to what was going on in the first.

So I ended up with a result of BENIGN hyperplasia: benign lymphoma or psuedolymphoma with secondary characteristics of reactive hyperplasia. They removed both inguinal swollen nodes and a few others. Watched my sample a few extra days and brought in a hematologist and oncologist to asses and confirm what the pathologist was noting. The initial analysis noted cells that are present in lymphoma but the doc explained that they were not acting in the way malignant lymphomas act, called them a clinical mimic of lymphoma. It is so weird.

So, lessons learned: I was sure I was dying of cancer. 100 percent. I wasn't. I worried myself sick over a benign condition. BUT surgeon said tumor would've kept growing and necessitated removal anyway at some point, sitting on the vein. So if something feels off to you, even if others call you insane, get a second opinion and go with your gut. This condition is apparently benign and has no bearing on future health or chances of getting cancer.

I'm relieved, happy, and a freak of nature from the way the docs are acting.

05-06-18, 10:06
Really glad to hear all is well. Mine are still there, I can only feel one but ultrasound showed more “ reactive” nodes. Can I ask how big yours were that were removed ? I’m going for follow up ultrasound in next 6 weeks. Mine feels like a bean

05-06-18, 13:43
Wow! That's interesting! So happy you got good news in the end! Congratulations!!

I've had one on the same feel of my neck for 4.5 months now, at least since I noticed it. Had a scan and seen an ENT. He isn't concerned but having a follow up in a couple weeks.