View Full Version : so scared i have hantavirus

27-03-18, 04:13
I unknowingly moved into a mice infestation. swept up my room that had mice hanging out in it.. don't know if i swept any poop but im freaking out right now. im having pain in all the areas they said someone with hantavirus will have pain. mostly in my hips, but also in my thighs, back and shoulders. pinching sharp pain. they say these are early signs. they say its usually dull pain but who knows it might be different. im so scared. i should know if i have hanta virus in the next week or so.. that's when the really bad symptoms start. hopefully I dont die. i live in maryland in the USA. God this hip pain is so bad.. i went to the doctor he didnt find anything. he took some blood and getting them tested. I'll know soon... omfg

27-03-18, 15:35
I'm sorry you moved into a mouse infestation. I get mice in my house from time to time, and it is absolutely zero fun. I have also been down the hantavirus road one or two times.

If you didn't notice poop (you said you weren't sure if you swept it up), I'm not sure you have too much to worry about. MOst of the the cases of bad hantavirus come from closed up places that have hoardes of poop. You said you weren't even sure if you swept it up, so it doesn't sound like your situation was that.

I know this is hard, but you just have to take this one day at a time. It sucks that you have pain in your hips and joints, but that really could be something else entirely. THere really would need to be a perfect storm for you to develop serious hantavirus (it is possible to get a mild case of it that goes clininically undetected). You are already ahead of the curve in that you are aware you were exposed to mice, so you can reveal that IF you get really sick, and they can test early, etc.

Otherwise, you are jumping the gun here. I know how easy that is to do, and I fall into that trap constantly, but maybe realizing it's a trap can take some of its power away.

27-03-18, 15:48
I'm sorry you moved into a mouse infestation. I get mice in my house from time to time, and it is absolutely zero fun. I have also been down the hantavirus road one or two times.

If you didn't notice poop (you said you weren't sure if you swept it up), I'm not sure you have too much to worry about. MOst of the the cases of bad hantavirus come from closed up places that have hoardes of poop. You said you weren't even sure if you swept it up, so it doesn't sound like your situation was that.

I know this is hard, but you just have to take this one day at a time. It sucks that you have pain in your hips and joints, but that really could be something else entirely. THere really would need to be a perfect storm for you to develop serious hantavirus (it is possible to get a mild case of it that goes clininically undetected). You are already ahead of the curve in that you are aware you were exposed to mice, so you can reveal that IF you get really sick, and they can test early, etc.

Otherwise, you are jumping the gun here. I know how easy that is to do, and I fall into that trap constantly, but maybe realizing it's a trap can take some of its power away.

i appreciate you being so understanding. just had diarrhea and im having nausea and stomach cramps, so that doesn't help my anxiety. like you said, definitely have to take it one day at a time. if i notice a cough and severe breathing problems, I am promptly going to the ER. thanks again.