View Full Version : weird cough after cold..please help im petrified

27-03-18, 13:19
I had a cold two weeks ago that made me feel shocking. Started with a chesty yellow phlegm (yuck) cough that has progressively dried up and isn’t producing mucus, i can feel the phlegm rattle in my chest when i breathe but can’t cough it up. I am a smoker, 10 a day, and I never coughed beforehand.

I’m 99% sure it’s from the cold as I still have a snotty nose and I’m not out of breath or in pain, plus the coughs drying up. Just need some reassurance

27-03-18, 13:37
It's probably from the cold. The cough can last a lot longer even if the virus is not there anymore. You can also look for allergies. I coughed for 6 months after a cold, it was because I had allergies and I had post nasal drip. I take allegra everyday and the cough is gone. Don't worry !

28-03-18, 03:14
Dealing with this right now myself. Started with a bad cold and it went to my chest. It’s actually bronchitis and the cough can last for up to 4 weeks after you’re well per my dr. She said just keep taking mucinex as it helps thin out any phlegm which makes it easier to get out, therefor your cough is less violent. Expect that hack to hang around a while longer. The fact that you’re a smoker means it might last even longer for you. Also, smoking makes it more likely you could end up with chronic bronchitis in the future. That alone made me quit. I’m two weeks without a smoke as of tomorrow!:yahoo: