View Full Version : Was this a panic attack?

27-03-18, 14:31

I’ve had anxiety and panic attacks for years so felt like I knew what they were like/how to recognise them. But today I was sitting at my desk feeling fine, then out of nowhere I felt a surge of dizziness, nausea and a need to get up and leave. I also felt panicked but it’s hard to tell if the panic and the need to leave came with the dizziness/nausea/light headedness or if it came because of that. It went away within about 10 seconds, then surged again less strongly and lasted about 20 seconds. I still feel shaken but I’m worrying that it wasn’t a panic attack, because it dissipated so so quickly, and maybe it was something else wrong with me?

I know this is classic reassurance seeking, and I try to avoid that where possible, it’s just that this is so different to all my other panic attacks, which I can feel coming and which last for much longer.

Does anyone else get these very short (under a minute) panic attacks?

27-03-18, 20:41
I get those on a daily basis. I have learned to sit and wait it out. I thought it was attributed to eye strain (perhaps a ocular migraine) because it usually happens when I am either at my computer, reading or watching TV.

28-03-18, 08:23
I get mini panic attacks throughout the day, too. When you think about it, those are preferable to big, long-lasting ones. ;)

01-04-18, 09:00
The I AM GETTING THE HELL OUT OF HERE BEFORE THAT ATROCIOUS THING HAPPENS AND BOY IS IT IMMINENT feeling is one I know well, that's when I am liable to flip out unless I take the appropriate steps to defuse the situation and find a calm corner of my head to take refuge in. You just are overcome by this disproportionate sensation that begins to squash and shove you and an intoxicating unsettled nauseous nastyness washes over every single cell of your body, disgusting things panic attacks, you have my greatest sympathy! :hugs: