View Full Version : Stomach Issues

27-03-18, 22:41
Hello Everyone,

So today I woke up and went to work. On my work, I took a cup of black coffee with me and drank it on the way. When I got to work, I had another cup of coffee with creamer. This was at about 9:30 or so. Within an hour, I started to feel terrible. Like I felt nauseated and just off. I had to get up and walk around and outside. I drank some ginger tea later and water and I feel a lot of better.

But this slight nausea feeling has lingered even up to now when I am writing this. I am wondering if it was coffee or the creamer or both.

I have been noticing that I feel bad in the morning after I have coffee. Its almost like I have a drop in blood sugar and a feeling of being nauseous.
My concern is that this feeling of nausea and bloating has persisted into the afternoon.
I am going to try an experiment tomorrow and drink no coffee at all and see what happens. Perhaps I need to quit or drink less coffee.

What does everyone think?

27-03-18, 22:49
Coffee can play with your stomach but is it possible perhaps there was something off with the drink itself this morning? Trying to cut it out for a bit could definitely help you figure it out!. The fact you feel awful after drinking it usually though shows your body doesn’t like it. Do you always have it black? Sometimes it could be the milk causing a slight intolerance if you have it with that. My advice would be to try going without for a couple days, as you say, because you never can tell if it’s a health problem related to being unwell or a food related issue until you cut the thing out you suspect is causing it.

Good luck! :)

27-03-18, 22:56
Could be the milk, caffeine or both. Good idea to try cutting it out tomorrow and see results. Coffee can sometimes make you feel crap and nauseous, especially on an empty stomach.

27-03-18, 22:59

I usually have the first cup black and then the second with creamer. I rarely drink above two cups. This is actually the first time I have a reaction like this in a while. That being said I never vomited or anything like that although It got pretty bad. The nausea really didn't start until the second cup with creamer. At the same time, I had oatmeal and cup up fruit for breakfast
I think the coffee and creamer combined today. When I went to the bathroom, my stool looked normal. No blood or anything (Sorry about the TMI).

My stomach feels better with almond milk to be honest. I am starting to use that more than dairy milk. Just feel better.

I might switch to drinking ginger-lemon tea in the morning and maybe have a small cup of coffee while I am eating.

28-03-18, 13:19
So woke up this morning and the nausea was still there albeit not as bad as yesterday. I have no drank any coffee except for a little coffee/almond milk drink but that made it a bit worse. I have no appetite whatsoever.

I wonder what this could be. Could it be IBS? I might go to doctor today or tomorrow if symptoms do not improve. This has me worried that it might be something serious.

28-03-18, 13:30
You could have an upset stomach or it could be ibs. I wouldn’t worry about it being serious as that would present itself in other ways. The lack of appetite may be down to the fact you’re stressing out over this problem. Try and avoid all caffeine for a couple of days and eat as normal without focusing on it and if it persists, go to the doctors. They usually tell you not to see them unless it’s been going on for a week or more as it could resolve itself.

28-03-18, 14:13
Ok thanks. It feels slightly better. I have had some herbal lemon-ginger tea and that has helped. It helped yesterday to make the nausea go away, Now I am burping and have some flatulence. But I feel way better overall right now.

I thinkI have a sensitive stomach anyway. I went on a cruise in January and felt motion sickness the second day. Fortunately someone with me had an anti-emetic.

---------- Post added at 09:13 ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 ----------

At the same time, the nausea comes and goes. It will go away and then come back. As I am writing this now, it seems to be coming back a bit. I wonder if it is gastritis or a stomach ulcer? I have no sharp stomach pains or anything. Just gas and nausea.

28-03-18, 23:15
So an update. Since around lunchtime I have felt almost 100% better. No nausea. I think I was thinking about it too much. My appetite rebounded too. I still will moderate on coffee too.

I still wonder why this nausea lingered around so much?

29-03-18, 15:13
This morning I still had some nausea symptoms although they appear to be subsiding. I wonder if this could be gastritis? If so how can I treat it.

Stress hasn't helped this either. Yesterday I was at the bank dealing with some bank fraud. Fortunately it was resolved but it still caused a lot of stress nonetheless.

30-03-18, 13:04
This morning I felt better than I have this week except some loss of appetite. I had a banana, ginger tea, oatmeal, and will have some cut up fruit.

I have been wondering if this is an ulcer? I'm not experiencing any burning chest pain but I am wondering what the difference would be between an ulcer and anxiety related nausea. My symptoms subside throughout the day and I feel fine going to bed. An ulcer wouldn't be come and go pain would it?

Anyone? I think I need stay off the internet as well. haha

30-03-18, 13:25
You could try some gaviscon and see if that helps the symptoms. But it seems like you’re getting better by yourself.

Lack of appetite could be because you’ve been eating less?

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30-03-18, 13:54
That is what I am thinking too. My appetite has rebounded around lunch time. I think I am focusing on it too much,.

I figure If I had an ulcer then the chest pain/burning would be worse which I don't have pain right now.

I might have some broccoli and probiotic yogurt for lunch just to settle my stomach down.

This just reinforces my hypochondriac which can make my symptoms worse.

30-03-18, 17:16
Yes it does reinforce the worry, but sometimes telling yourself that doesn’t make any difference, because you wonder if this is the time that it’s not worry?

I’m really glad you’re feeling better. I’m sure this will just be a memory in a few days.

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30-03-18, 22:03
Yes it does reinforce the worry, but sometimes telling yourself that doesn’t make any difference, because you wonder if this is the time that it’s not worry?

I’m really glad you’re feeling better. I’m sure this will just be a memory in a few days.

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Thank you.

Should I take an antiemetic like Benzine or Dramamine to calm my stomach. I think that my nerves.

31-03-18, 19:25
I don’t know what they are, but if you’re feeling better then you probably don’t need anything

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01-04-18, 14:36
So I woke up this morning with no nausea whatsoever. I even had a little coffee after breakfast and it didn’t affect my stomach at all. Now I have a little nausea right now but this morning has been the best all

01-04-18, 19:57
That’s brilliant [emoji4]

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02-04-18, 15:09
This morning I still woke up with some nausea but today has been better overall. I wonder if this is GERD. I'm not overweight so I don't know how I would have it.
I've burped some this morning. I don't like waking up not knowing how you will feel. I wonder if anti acids will help. I really don't wanna start taking medicine. I'm far too young (26) to do that IMO.

02-04-18, 16:17
GERD is not dependent on age or weight. If you're anxious or stressed, one of the side effects can be excess stomach acid. If it backs up into your esophagus... indigestion and GERD can result.

I've had reflux since my 30's. Ate antacids like candy, moved onto OTC PPIs and now I take Protonix and follow the FODMAP diet. It is what it is. Treat it or suffer with it :shrug:

Positive thoughts

02-04-18, 17:18
Thank you Fishmanpa,

At the same time, I have had this nagging though at the back of my head that this is an ulcer. I have no sharp pains in the rib cage or abdomen but I do get some hunger pangs when I haven't eaten anything.

I'm worried that it may something severe even though no major symptoms have manifested. just morning nausea and some bloatedness, gas. Feels like it could be IBS or something.