View Full Version : Cancer again?!.

28-03-18, 18:18
I have managed to control my HA for what I thought was a while but looking back it's actually only a few months. And although not as heightened as I had been experiencing since last July it was easier to live with but always there simmering under the surface. I even stayed away from this site which I thought could be making me worse. But now I seem to be slipping back again. And I don't know why.
I have been having random itching > Google > Lymphoma
Aches in my upper chest near my breast >cancer
Headaches >brain tumour
My thoughts are spiralling again and I am desperate to stop them

28-03-18, 18:24
First off it seems like you’ve conquered half the battle by acknowledging the HA aspect of your fears. Often that’s the hardest part. Keep challenging the negative thoughts, and of course stay off of Google. We all know where those searches end up 10 times out of 10.

28-03-18, 21:28
Thank you...ive stayed away from Dr Google today and intend to keep it that way. You're absolutely right. I've never found a simple answer on Google. It's always the worst possible scenario. Juat getting it out of my head is a help as I don't talk to anyone about my HA. So when it's spiralling out of control and I can't talk to anyone it just seems to magnify any symptoms I think I have which then leads to other...its seemingly never ending.