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29-03-18, 00:37
Hello one and all,

I have just joined this group to get some support for health anxiety issues that I have had ongoing for several years now, but didn't really realise I had this until my Doctor diagnosed me with it on Tuesday. Not sure it is the right word but I am delighted that I'm not the only one that has to endure an almost daily battle with this.

Looking back I think this started as long ago as 2008 - in July 2007 my Nan passed away at the age of 68 of heart failure, although at the time she was alsosuffering from lymphoma. This was the first time anyone close by to the family had got a terminal disease, and from that moment on I've been wrestling with health anxiety ever since on and off (suffering in silence for the most part, but frequently visiting doctors about 5 or 6 times a year with 'illnesses' that turn out to be nothing (or just in the mind). In about 2010 I suddenly was OK again for a few months, then in late 2011 my Grandad passed away from esophageal cancer, and I was back to square one. It didn't help when I started to get the same 'symptoms' as he had (heartburn, reflux etc) a couple of years later, and I was convinced I was on my way out as well (it turned out in 2016 that I have a hiatus hernia, which itself causes strange symptoms that can worry me sick if I look them up, even though I know its just the hernia!)

I have good days / weeks and bad days / weeks. At the moment I am OK, but know the next health anxiety is likely to be lurking on the horizon, normally triggered by someone I know dying, or someone famous (I also get this around the anniversaries of anyone's death). When I get like this I end up in a bubble, oblivious to everything else going on, and I completely lose interest in everything - my partner finally snapped at this about six weeks ago and told me to 'snap out of it', but its not that simple when depressed!

I finally decided to get this sorted with the Doctor, after watching a programme on BBC1 with Zoë Ball about depression last week, and I took the plunge on Tuesday and saw the Doctor. We discussed all of the above and she diagnosed me with health anxiety, and prescribed a month's worth of 'Sertraline' to start off, and I am going to be assessed by a mental health group in mid-April and go from there.

Sorry to waffle on so much, but that's what I am going through at the moment


29-03-18, 00:42
Hiya Mark1974 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

30-03-18, 14:40
Good morning Mark1974

Glad you found a doctor to diagnose your situation. For a really long time I had health anxiety issues around my heart and breathing. The irony is two years ago, I had my first major heart attack. I don't tell you this to scare you. But to say the leading contributor to my condition was a very unhealthy lifestyle and stress, brought on by "health anxiety".

Here's the thing, if your doctor rules out any ongoing medical condition, assume it's the fear clouding your mind. Sorry to hear your partner believes toughing it out will work. Well I don't totally disagree, health anxiety can creep up on you at nearly any moment.

My best suggestion is listen to your doctors, but also do some research yourself. Other than medication, I use exercise and mediation to easy my symptoms. I found that through simple walking meditation and letting go of the fear of death. Were major contributors to my accepting myself and helping me take control.

Mark1974, I hope this helps. NMP is a great place to get things off your chest and find an understanding ear. Best to you on your journey.