View Full Version : Spiraling

29-03-18, 01:33
I was taking Bactrim for a kidney infection and broke out into hives today. Super itchy! So I went to dr, but not before googling rash and Bactrim. Turns out there’s a scary syndrome you can get where your skin starts to fall off. I mentioned it to my doctor and she checked a few other things and said no, you don’t have it.

I can’t let it go. I read more about it online and now I’m gettibg those symptoms, sore throat, sniffling, etc. I’m panicked and can’t calm down. Can someone help?

29-03-18, 01:48
I was taking Bactrim for a kidney infection and broke out into hives today. Super itchy! So I went to dr, but not before googling rash and Bactrim. Turns out there’s a scary syndrome you can get where your skin starts to fall off. I mentioned it to my doctor and she checked a few other things and said no, you don’t have it.

I can’t let it go. I read more about it online and now I’m gettibg those symptoms, sore throat, sniffling, etc. I’m panicked and can’t calm down. Can someone help?

What can anyone say that your doctor hasn't? You shot yourself in the foot by Googling. I wish there were some magic words to reassure you but you just have to take your doctor's word here :shrug:

Positive thoughts

29-03-18, 05:05
My Mom was worried about this a few months ago. Her pharmacist said that in his 20 years of work, he hadn't seen this reaction. The doctors she spoke to immediately assumed that she had heard about it by Googling it, I guess because it's a rare reaction. Mom had a rash in reaction to Keflex, as well as pain and a blister in her nose, but everything calmed down after a few weeks. I'm sure your symptoms will too.

29-03-18, 23:21
It's difficult to stop a downward spiral in its tracks, especially with health anxiety.

Like other have pointed out, googling really is the worst thing.

If you had this condition you mentioned, first of all the doctor - knowing how serious the condition is, would have made SURE you didn't have it before sending you away. I know with health anxiety we tend to distrust doctors but if your doctor even had the slightest concern in regards to you having this condition, they would have taken precautions.