View Full Version : Eye Problems Again: Someone please respond

29-03-18, 02:01

I frequented this forum back in 2015 with HA and fear of a brain tumor and severe anxiety and OCD Type O. I was having blurry vision out the ass and I visit the eye doctor four times to get my prescription right. Long story short, the first two times I visited the eye doctor in 2015 they botched my prescription. The third was a correct prescription and the fourth was a recheck. I still was convinced my vision was blurry even after all of those tests. Now in 2018, I had my eyes checked again and I have a severely high prescription. I'm short sighted. I had 3 botched eye exams and then went to a private practice that based my exam off the one in 2015 and didn't see too much of a change. The glasses I am currently wearing are made correctly, but I still feel like I cant see out of one of the eyes. The eye doctor did seem to be concerned with my eyes. He said my eyes seem to spasm and I have problems with accomodation or focusing on distant obejcts. But like it's weird. At some distances I see better with one eye in this prescription, but my right eye seems so much stronger than my left eye. I've always had problems getting the prescription in my left eye correct.

What I am trying to get at this point is reassurance. I've had several pairs of glasses made with varying prescriptions, but this is the only one that has been based off my previous prescription from last year which I did not struggle. Am I just not letting my eyes adjust? Is this ptsd from my previous eye nightmares? Or are the glasses wrong. I don't know at this point, but my OD is confident that there is nothing wrong. He did have me in the exam room for two hours trying out different prescriptions. He said that my eyes seem to spasm to try and focus. He would show me a prescription one minute and I'd like it and then twenty minutes later, I couldn't see out of it.

I am just freaking out and need someone to calm my nerves at this point. I do have very bad eyes........ so I am attributing one of the eyes working better to my varying eyesight.

I feel like from the time I wake up in the morning, I focus on the vision in the left eye.

Someone please respond before I literally go insane, lol. Reassurance is key for me lmao.

29-03-18, 04:43
I get it. I too feel that one eye has better vision than the other. It bothers me because it causes me to become dizzy when one eye sees blurry stuff and the other is clear. It is not constant, seeming to be worse when I get up in the morning. Also, I get dizzy when I move from something close up to looking at something further away because it takes a while to get focused. Just remember it is a pain in the ass, but not something that will kill you. You will find a way to adjust to it. I started looking away at things slower to try to let my vision catch up to me.

29-03-18, 19:36
Like I don’t know if I’m just over analyzing everything and I’ve always had one eye that didn’t see well as the other, but I’m not sure. It’s all I think about..... it’s so frustrating. Like I’m debating going back to the optometrist but I feel like he’s not gonna change anything. He did say to keep in mind that both of my eyes are not gonna see exactly the same. We all have a dominant eye. I’m just conflicted.

Hope to hear from you soon,


30-03-18, 00:15

I frequented this forum back in 2015 with HA and fear of a brain tumor and severe anxiety and OCD Type O. I was having blurry vision out the ass and I visit the eye doctor four times to get my prescription right. Long story short, the first two times I visited the eye doctor in 2015 they botched my prescription. The third was a correct prescription and the fourth was a recheck. I still was convinced my vision was blurry even after all of those tests. Now in 2018, I had my eyes checked again and I have a severely high prescription. I'm short sighted. I had 3 botched eye exams and then went to a private practice that based my exam off the one in 2015 and didn't see too much of a change. The glasses I am currently wearing are made correctly, but I still feel like I cant see out of one of the eyes. The eye doctor did seem to be concerned with my eyes. He said my eyes seem to spasm and I have problems with accomodation or focusing on distant obejcts. But like it's weird. At some distances I see better with one eye in this prescription, but my right eye seems so much stronger than my left eye. I've always had problems getting the prescription in my left eye correct.

What I am trying to get at this point is reassurance. I've had several pairs of glasses made with varying prescriptions, but this is the only one that has been based off my previous prescription from last year which I did not struggle. Am I just not letting my eyes adjust? Is this ptsd from my previous eye nightmares? Or are the glasses wrong. I don't know at this point, but my OD is confident that there is nothing wrong. He did have me in the exam room for two hours trying out different prescriptions. He said that my eyes seem to spasm to try and focus. He would show me a prescription one minute and I'd like it and then twenty minutes later, I couldn't see out of it.

I am just freaking out and need someone to calm my nerves at this point. I do have very bad eyes........ so I am attributing one of the eyes working better to my varying eyesight.

I feel like from the time I wake up in the morning, I focus on the vision in the left eye.

Someone please respond before I literally go insane, lol. Reassurance is key for me lmao.

UPDATE*****: I still feel like I cant see out of my left eye as well as my right eye. I just don't know what to do. Am I overreacting? I mean I always focus on it 24/7. And then sometimes I feel like sometime the eyes switch and I can see better out of the left, but that's rare. What's weird is that my prescription barely changed in the left eye and I made sure that the glasses were made correctly.

Hopefully someone responds soon.

Dylan Cioffi

30-03-18, 00:33
I'm so sorry to hear of your long battle with this. I have very little experience with these things, however did have an awful bout of vertigo recently which lasted months, and I had a similar thought process at one point. Your optician will know all about what's wrong with your eyes and the fact he said they spasm to focus seems like he's seen exactly what's up so there isn't any need for concern :)
Health anxiety can be an awful thing, but I'd feel assured that he knows what he's doing! Perhaps you might want to look into help for your health anxiety? It might help you relax. Good luck!

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

30-03-18, 00:55
You say it's inconsistent? Meaning, it's not permanently one eye that's playing up?
If so, that should be reassurance that it's probably just your eyes being a bit 'bad' rather than anything else going on. Some people do have difficult eyes to correct, as the eye is an extremely complex organ as i'm sure you're already aware. :)

The thing with us folks with health anxiety is we focus SO MUCH on something we *think* is an issue that we end up actually MAKING it an issue when it doesn't need to be. Your optician has seen thousands of eyes, he/she knows what they're doing, even if it seems like they've messed up in the past. We often distrust our healthcare professionals purely because our anxiety is so overwhelming that we often think "how can there NOT be a problem?!" but 99.99% of the time, we really are just overreacting.

If there's anything else bothering you i'd be happy to try put your mind at ease.

30-03-18, 01:13
Thank you for responding. I’m just a bit high strung and since I’ve had so many doctors mess up things this past month. The one that gave me the most recent prescription fixed this issue in 2015. And I’m thinking maybe since I’ve had a lot of issues with my left eye I’m focused way too much on it. And you’re right, the eye is complex. And I guess we have a dominant one. My doc did say that both eyes work together to see clearly... sooo I guess one will see better than the other.

Hope to hear from ya soon,

---------- Post added at 00:13 ---------- Previous post was at 00:10 ----------

You say it's inconsistent? Meaning, it's not permanently one eye that's playing up?
If so, that should be reassurance that it's probably just your eyes being a bit 'bad' rather than anything else going on. Some people do have difficult eyes to correct, as the eye is an extremely complex organ as i'm sure you're already aware. :)

The thing with us folks with health anxiety is we focus SO MUCH on something we *think* is an issue that we end up actually MAKING it an issue when it doesn't need to be. Your optician has seen thousands of eyes, he/she knows what they're doing, even if it seems like they've messed up in the past. We often distrust our healthcare professionals purely because our anxiety is so overwhelming that we often think "how can there NOT be a problem?!" but 99.99% of the time, we really are just overreacting.

If there's anything else bothering you i'd be happy to try put your mind at ease.

Thank you for responding. I’m just a bit high strung and since I’ve had so many doctors mess up things this past month. The one that gave me the most recent prescription fixed this issue in 2015. And I’m thinking maybe since I’ve had a lot of issues with my left eye I’m focused way too much on it. And you’re right, the eye is complex. And I guess we have a dominant one. My doc did say that both eyes work together to see clearly... sooo I guess one will see better than the other.

Hope to hear from ya soon,

30-03-18, 01:32
The worst case scenario is you could end up needing a slightly different pair of glasses. You've got nothing to worry yourself about love.

I say, put a TV show or a movie on and try and "un-string" yourself. I know it's easier said than done but you owe it to yourself to relax a bit. :yesyes:

30-03-18, 01:42
Why not just continue your thread here? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=215822)

You've had this fear since September of 2015 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=174620) per your post history and obviously, vision is a trigger for you. Are you getting real life help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

30-03-18, 01:45
Everyone has one dominant eye. Just as everyone has one dominant leg etc

People don’t cover up one eye as they go about their daily tasks. They use both eyes because they can. Similarly, you don’t hop around on one leg even though both of your legs are perfectly fine.

31-03-18, 11:48

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

31-03-18, 15:36
My left eye is way worse than my right. -12 as compred to -7.50. Almost every nee prescription my left eye has deteriorated faster than my right so it's not unusual.for me to have blurriness with my left eye with my glasses on