View Full Version : strange sensation in eye

29-03-18, 03:05
hello again

i'm here now for a strange sensation in my eye and my cheekbone. i know generally this area is a hotbed for pain and stuff when you have sinus problems which is fine but i have a strange... ticklish? sensation in and under my right eye and it sometimes radiates over into my nasal cavity. it's driving me crazy and freaking me out making me think something is wrong with my brain or something and it's taking everything in me not to google what it could be lol.

nothing really hurts, which is good! but it's very unpleasant and uncomfortable. could this just be an anxiety thing; does anybody else get this? i feel like i've had it happen before but i'm really terrible with permanence of physical sensations. i'm planning on making a dr's appointment soon for other things but i'm not sure when they'll be able to get me in and i'm worried right now.

29-03-18, 04:22
When I'm anxious about my own health, I always getting pains or sensations in the area I'm worried about (it's my hand at the moment).

Sometimes the feeling comes first, and sometimes the anxiety comes first, but I usually can never quite put my finger on specifically where the feeling is or even be 100% sure there is any unusual feeling.

Our minds can be our best friend or our worst enemy.

29-03-18, 16:29
hello again

i'm here now for a strange sensation in my eye and my cheekbone. i know generally this area is a hotbed for pain and stuff when you have sinus problems which is fine but i have a strange... ticklish? sensation in and under my right eye and it sometimes radiates over into my nasal cavity. it's driving me crazy and freaking me out making me think something is wrong with my brain or something and it's taking everything in me not to google what it could be lol.

nothing really hurts, which is good! but it's very unpleasant and uncomfortable. could this just be an anxiety thing; does anybody else get this? i feel like i've had it happen before but i'm really terrible with permanence of physical sensations. i'm planning on making a dr's appointment soon for other things but i'm not sure when they'll be able to get me in and i'm worried right now.

I have something similar to this, had it since last december. Its a very odd sensation, sometimes feels like im tearing up when im not, other times its a tickle, or a feeling like an eyelash is out of place or something.
Its very odd.

29-03-18, 18:03
I also have this sensation but it is also in my ear and throat.

Last week I had a migraine and so I had Panadol, used a 4head stick and a cooling strip on the forehead all at the same time. I also used a nasal spray that my doctor prescribed me because my nostrils are inflamed.

I am not sure what it was but my tongue went numb and red and although it has calmed down since, I have had a weird tingly sensation in my eyes, ears and throat.

I dont really have it when I first wake up in the morning but when I have some milk and something to eat, I start to feel it and I keep thinking that I might be intolerant to something but not at the same time because it only started last week.

I do think when you concentrate so much on something, you start to feel physical sensations and it is part of anxiety. It is however a good idea to see your doctor to put your mind at ease and also make sure everything is ok :-)

29-03-18, 23:19
I’ve been having a similar problem as NourK for a week! It started after I ate a spicy meal and the left side of my face went tingly. The next day it was yogurt with cayenne pepper in it so I thought it was that, but then plain rice cereal and milk did it. Now so many foods seem to tingle my face and eye but I know I’m panicking. Could I really develop an allergy or intolerance over night? I’m seeing my doc for a physical next week but it’s so unerving. Trying to tell myself it’s just anxiety is not easy... especially, like deusvult said, the physical comes first.