View Full Version : Very scared over my low grade fever I've had.

29-03-18, 06:34
Hi all,

I've been dealing with some very chronic health anxiety lately and I am just wondering if someone could please help me calm down a little.

Alright..So, this'll be long. So, bear with me please. On the 11th of this month, I had some bad toothache pain. It was affecting my jaw bone even so I had called up my dentist's emergency number. I told him about my symptoms and he said that he'd see me the next morning to look at the tooth. In the mean time, just take ibuprofen over the night for the pain.

Well, the next day, I had him look at the tooth. He was perplexed and told me it really did not look infected though he did find a small space on the x ray where the tooth might be collecting bacteria. So, he told me he'd give me amoxicillin for 10 days. This seemed to work. I was feeling a lot better after the 10 day prescription. A few days later, what do you know, the pain came back, but it was over on the other side of my mouth now. He told me okay, I'll put you back on a more stronger antibiotic.

This antibiotic really didn't do well for me at all. I was having severe nausea to the point of almost vomiting several times and I was getting enough health anxiety I was paranoid I either had a brain abscess or meningitis as I was getting these headaches that would start on the right side then spread over my forehead. I'd feel them in the back too.

So, I panicked and went to the ER. After waiting several hours, I finally was able to talk to a doctor. I explained to them my side effects with this antibiotic and how I was scared the infection was spreading. So, they took some blood tests. Everything turned out normal. They told me my white cell blood count was normal. So, the infection wasn't systemic. They also put me back on amoxicillin.

I noticed no significant improvement really. So, I was getting even more health anxiety. Thankfully though, today, I did see my dentist at 10 AM. When I came in, I was pretty flush. My cheeks were warm and I kept feeling nauseous several times on and off. Pretty sweaty too around my armpits. I told the dentist of my symptoms and he looked at my teeth again. He even did a cold sensitivity test to make sure that I had no dead teeth that were decaying. It ends up I have no infection at all this whole time. No swollen gums, no abscesses, nothing. He thinks my issue is the fact I grind my teeth in my sleep.

I'm not surprised by this since I have woken up before with very bad jaw and teeth pain. It would also explain the slight swelling I've had along with the headaches. The other symptoms though I do think might be a viral infection.

I'm getting so freaked out though and wondering if I should be concerned. I have no systemic infection obviously so it's not bacterial. Does this sound like a flu though to you all? I get nauseous, little to no appetite, warm & visibly flushed cheeks, chills,a low grade fever that ranges from 99.2-99.4 that won't really break much, soft stool but not diarrhea, general desire to just lay here and sleep. I am getting so freaked out thinking about my low grade fever though especially.

I know that it's a very low fever, but I am just wondering why it won't break too easily. The only time it does break somewhat is if I apply a cold compress to my face like a wash cloth. I am just thinking of all these scenarios in my head all over again like it's meningitis,a brain abscess, anemia, lupus, etc.

I'm taking my antibiotic as instructed until I finish it even if I do not have a bacterial infection in order to not build up resistance. Still though, I am just driving myself crazy over these symptoms. Does it sound like a flu?

I hate to act like this, but I had anemia as a little girl. I know though when I did have anemia, the symptoms were WAY worse. I had a fever of 102-103 degrees that would not break much and started to turn yellow because of jaundice. I had to spend about 2 weeks admitted in the hospital until I was officially healed. I can't stop thinking of the worst possibilities though.

29-03-18, 06:49
To me it sounds as if you have anxiety, which can cause all of the symptoms you are worrying about. The fact that you are worrying about each and every one of them can make it worse.

I understand how scary it is, and I have been there too. But. Your dentist has been very thorough as has said that there is nothing wrong with you except for tooth grinding (anxiety). Your blood tests are clear too.

I’m not too sure about the fever, but a little googling tells me that body temperature can raise with anxiety.

So you see, all of this can quite possibly quickly go away if you start to realise that your anxiety is making you feel this way & nothing else. I’d advise you to stop taking your temperature unless you feel very unwell. Start looking at ways to deal with your worry (read the self help articles in this forum - see your doctor).
Above all, believe the professionals who have told you that you’re ok.

Let us know how you get on.

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29-03-18, 17:34
Officially, anything less than 100.4 is not even considered a fever. What you have going on is clearly anxiety coupled with a hypersensitivity to bodily sensations.

As the previous reply says, you need to address your anxiety. Also, I would advise finding something to keep occupied/busy with besides laying around and taking your temperature. You might find your symptoms disappear.

30-03-18, 02:28
My mom went through this recently. Exactly 100% the same symptoms and everything. Her dentist said she was grinding her teeth as well. She got herself a good mouth guard and no issues since.

09-04-18, 01:11
My friend those symptoms are anxiety, low fever, chills, feeling of getting sick to stomach soft stool, I just went through this last night and am going through it today, oh and feeling tired.

09-04-18, 13:26
I get a low grade fever when very anxious.