View Full Version : Consultant Visit - nagging thought

29-03-18, 07:15
I had a private consultation with a gastroentorologist yesterday over some reflux ive had for years (treated with PPI's daily). I felt like when I tried to come off them (and couldn't) I had to go back on my PPI but then felt like food was getting stuck or causing some mild pain sensation as food goes down.

I fear that I started the converation telling him about my anxiety and health anxiety history and then felt like he might have dismissed everything and put it all down to anxiety. I did tell him about the sensation and mild pain when eating and how its intermittant. He went on to say that i need to deal with my anxiety and that "hes not worried about me" but the appointment felt rushed towards the end (45 minutes later) and now fear that he hasnt really focused on anything other than the anxiety. Part of me thinks that this is my anxiety playing about up again and surely a dr in his field wouldnt just nrush me off and ignore symptoms?

I also told him in 30 year old and have had two endoscopies and the last one being 3 years ago.

29-03-18, 11:52
I've been on a PPI for years too. It's widely known that if you come off them (especially cold turkey), there's often an exaggerated response or a kick back until things settle down. Then, if going back on them, it can take a bit for things to settle down once again. I believe you experience such a response. Your doctor spent an inordinate amount of time with you as a 45 minute appointment is certainly not fobbing you off and he's right, working on your anxiety may would ultimately be the best thing for you in the long run.

Positive thoughts

29-03-18, 15:19
45 minute appointment?! That's definitely not rushing you out the door. I have 2 severe GI diseases (crohn's and gastroparesis), chronic gastritis and an ileostomy and the longest appointment I have ever had with my GI was 10 minutes.

29-03-18, 15:38
It was a paid private appointment that cost me £190. I'd be shocked if I got 10 minutes.