View Full Version : Some advice or information please

29-03-18, 10:31
My wife and I have recently had our second child 10 days ago. We are both over the moon with our little boy and couldn’t be happier but I feel my body and mind have reacted dramatically with the experience of birth.
Since our boy was born I have had a strange feeling of absentness, I am not sure how to explain. My head just feels fuzzy, dizzy and not at all like myself. I am finding it very difficult to concentrate and my temper is very short.
It might be a good idea to point out that I have felt this way before after a dramatic event, I feel my mind just cannot cope with certain situations and the adrenaline gets the better of me.
I’ve been feeling this way for almost 10 days now, and it effecting is both. I need to be there for my family and not this person I am at the moment.
Does anyone know what I am experience or why it happened? Am I going to feel better? I’m a little confused with the situation and any imformation or advice is welcome.

29-03-18, 12:01
First off congratulations!
I'd say it's exactly what you said that you are experiencing rushes in adrenaline. Birth is wonderful but very stressful because it's a major life change!
I think the key to feeling better in this situation is understanding why you are feeling like this, nothing is wrong it's just some people have a more sensitive nervous system and so after stress of any kind can experience physical and mental affects like you describe.
You could try going self referring to a talking therapies through the NHS for some basic CBT that might help give you some tools to cope better. Just google NHS mental health self referral and follow the links for your area or you could go to your GP and ask at reception. My clinic has leaflets for the service telling you what to do.

Best wishes I hope things get easier soon