View Full Version : Body aches and other symptoms after virus infection

29-03-18, 18:06
Hi everyone,

I am currently recovering after a very weird virus infection. I say "weird" because it's not like any other infection I've experienced before. First of all, it started very suddenly. I felt totally fine one day, and then I woke up that night and felt that I have an extremely sore throat. Later in the day, the pain subsided, but I started experiencing body aches in random spots. I thought I was going down with the flu or something. But the aches were gone the next day. Then I had a stuffy nose. Also, my right lymph node in the neck was swollen and painful to touch for about 3 days. After about 4 days of being like this, I felt fine again and went to work. But after 2 calm days, the infection returned. I had a stuffy nose, sore throat and also felt slight aches in my joints/bones. This went on for like 5 days – very stable, didn't get either better or worse. I didn't feel that bad, it was just generally unpleasant.
(But there were also some "positive" things about this infection. For instance, my temperature was just slightly elevated during the first few days, I didn't experience any headaches throughout, felt no fatigue, and even had a good appetite.)
Finally, I noticed my body getting rid of the bugs. My nose started running severely, the pharyngitis travelled slightly lower and then I turned into laryngitis, then into a cough, but at least I felt like something was changing. This Monday, I felt fine enough to return to work again. So throughout this week, I got rid of most of the symptoms. I still have an occasional mild cough and my throat feels sensitive.

However, my body still feels stiff and a little achy. Especially my lower back region feels strained and stiff. Also my shoulders. My legs start to hurt when I sit for a longer time, same with other body parts if I hold them in the same position for too long. It's not exactly painful, just as if my body was tired, as if I had been walking all day or had been sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Occasionally, I get spikes of aches in my joints. These symptoms usually get worse towards the evening. They may become milder once I change my position. Actually, I'm not even sure where the aches are located: the joints, the bones, or the muscles. Sometimes it feels either this or that, and sometimes it feels like the whole set. But my joints are generally quite sensitive, and they often start to hurt before changes in weather anyway.

So now more than 2 weeks have passed since I became sick with whatever this is. I am worried, because I've never had an infection for this long.
A few days ago I had a full-blown panic attack because I thought that it's not actually my back that hurts, but my kidneys. I thought the infection travelled to those organs, but now I feel like it is the back after all. I am still worried that these are some kind of dangerous complications that could even leave me paralyzed.

Oh, and I also have a weird spot on my leg that feels very tender. I don't feel anything if I stroke it with my hand, but when I'm laying in bed and the sheet strokes it very gently, I can feel it. It's not pain, just as if the spot was very sensitive and slightly ticklish.

Does anyone have any ideas what these symptoms are?

It's one thing to have a cold, but it's so much worse when you also have health anxiety :)

29-03-18, 18:20

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


29-03-18, 18:30
So don’t take offence please, as I mean this as someone who suffers from the same anxiety as you, but... ‘Normal’ people would just say that they’ve had a cold, been a bit achey and tired and are run down.
Someone with health anxiety feels every twinge! And you’ve definitely felt every twinge. Sorry you’ve been poorly, but it does sound like you’re on the mend now. You will probably suddenly be better without noticing it because you’ve gone off and started worrying about something else soon. But, I think you need to get lots of good sleep, vitamins, water & rest. Maybe get some metatone from the chemist.
If you feel no different next week then go and see your gp.

Let us know how you get on x

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29-03-18, 18:36
HI I saw this post andhad to repod. 4 weeks ago I suddenly developed a reaaly sore throat. I came on out of the blue when I was out at a meal. It was like swallowing glass. I then felt rough - headache, aches and paind and bunged up. Felt a bit better on third day but still sore throat. lost my voice completely next day and then was on/off sore for next couple od days. felt better. 3 days later it all returned. The whole time I have a problem with a gritty sore eye which I have posted about. My anxiety has been through the roof - but it does sound a very similar sort of viru. Two people at my daughter's place of work have had similar

03-04-18, 21:01
Hi everyone,

thanks for the support!
I think I feel slightly better, even though my lower back and shoulders often feel stiff in the evening, and I may have body aches after some sort of physical activities, for instance, if I have to walk more than usual. Also, I have a spot between my ribs and hips where the muscles feel rather hard and it hurts when I press it!
My limbs act weaker as well, for instance, if I have to carry something heavy, my arms will feel weak and jittery for a longer time than usual afterwards.

My mum thinks (as parents often do) that all of this is because I sit all day and don't get enough excercise. I do agree that my posture is often terrible and I'm doing any sports at the moment. However, I didn't feel any of this before I got ill with the virus.

Oh, and the weird sensitive spot of skin on my leg is still acting weird – on some nights I don't feel anything unusual at all, and on some nights it feels extra sensitive. And I also had some random spots with the same sensitive feeling randomly appearing and disappearing again all over my body.

I do hope that I'm over-analyzing everything, but I can't help thinking that the virus triggered some kind of connective tissue or autoimmune disease that had been "sleeping" in my body. I had some suspicions about such diseases before, as I have lots of bizarre symptoms and sensations. But I'm trying to refrain from googling stuff because it doesn't do me any good, I just end up in a vortex of panic and anxiety.

03-04-18, 21:46

I'm sure what you have is a virus, as I have also had some odd virus type aches and pains and have gone into overdrive with worry about it. I think if it was something worse it would be getting worse instead of better. Like i say I can't really say anthing because I'm currently worried about my virus. But it is still that time of year