View Full Version : worried about ovaries

29-03-18, 21:46
i started having pain in the right side of my groin/back, around where the ovary is. it lasted for a month and a half, and then switched sides to the left for a few days and it left, a bit after my period ended. it felt a lot like a nerve stuck, which is probable because of my bad sitting position. this time, it started a few days before my period, and now that it ended it switched to the left. my periods have also been earlier than usual and the blood flow isn’t like it is usually, being constant and always red the first period it happened and similar to my normal periods the second time. i’m scared that something is wrong with my ovaries, like tumors or something. the early periods might be because of stress, but the pain is making me doubt...

29-03-18, 22:33
It could be cysts or fibroids. If it persists see your doctor.

29-03-18, 22:38
Periods can change overtime, but I suspect this is likely to be something like a fibroid or a cyst, very common for women on their ovaries. It's definitely something to get confirmed by a doctor, but anything more sinister is unlikely!

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