View Full Version : Head pain. My anxiety thinks it's an Aneurysm.

29-03-18, 22:57
This health anxiety is an actual bloody ordeal, isn't it?

Yesterday it was some form of serious gut disease, and today I have a pain in the right side of my head and naturally my anxiety thinks it's an aneurysm.

This pain is dull but constant, I thought it was because I had my hair in too tight of a bun as letting it down provided a degree of relief, however, it's still there.
Like the fool that I am, I googled it. I know, healthy anxiety rule No.1 is "do not google" but I couldn't help it. I noticed it mentioned a dilated pupil as a potential symptom so I grabbed my mirror and stared at my eyes, only to find that my right eye (the same side as the pain) looked, to me, to be about a millimetre more dilated. I shone a light into my eyes and they both shrink down pretty evenly, I don't know whether that means anything or not.

Thoughts? Experiences? Similar symptoms? Anyone?

30-03-18, 02:33
I had my doctor look at my pupils as well because the right was larger than the left. She said it is perfectly normal and more common than you think. She was only concerned that they were reactive, if the pupil didn't shrink in light, it would be a concern.

30-03-18, 02:44
my anxiety thinks

Nuff said :lac:

Positive thoughts