View Full Version : What should I do?

30-03-18, 13:14
I thought it was a big blackhead. It was on my thigh, Black with a brown tinge, perfectly round and small (about 2mm) and shiny/waxy.
I spent along time squeezing it. Damaged the skin around it but the stubborn blackhead remained until I grabbed a pair of nail clippers and pulled it out.
That was two months ago. I now have a pink scar in its place. I’m worried that it might have been a mole because of how I had to remove it!
If it was a mole, it was new and very dark! Which means it could have been an early melanoma? So what do I do now?!?! If it was a melanoma would it re-show itself or will it fester unseen and metastasise?

---------- Post added at 13:14 ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 ----------

Reading this back, I know it sounds rediculous. But I had watched this spot for two weeks thinking it was a mole before the idea of it being a blackhead entered my mind, and during that time it changed from dark brown to black. The more I think about this, the more certain I am that this was a mole! I’m just not sure of what to do now! Sit and wait? Go to GP? Could they do anything anyway? There is nothing there to see! And I’ve picked off moles in the past and never been offered a punch biopsy so I don’t think they’d do that this time either!

31-03-18, 13:21
Anyone? Please?

31-03-18, 13:44
Your anxiety and panic are running rampant, Limeslime. You would have other symptoms by now if the "mole" was malignant and had spread.

Look to reduce stress and anxiety levels ASAP. What are you doing to address this?

31-03-18, 13:50
Your anxiety and panic are running rampant, Limeslime. You would have other symptoms by now if the "mole" was malignant and had spread.

Look to reduce stress and anxiety levels ASAP. What are you doing to address this?

Is that true? Would I really have other symptoms? It’s only been two months!
I’m on medication for my HA. I’m also trying to incorporate more outdoors activities and exercise. But I can’t help feeling that the only thing that will help me is to know for sure that I didn’t pick off a melanoma. Just not sure how to find out 😢

31-03-18, 15:17
Is that true? Would I really have other symptoms? It’s only been two months!
I’m on medication for my HA. I’m also trying to incorporate more outdoors activities and exercise. But I can’t help feeling that the only thing that will help me is to know for sure that I didn’t pick off a melanoma. Just not sure how to find out �� Well certainly not by dr Google go to your dr and ask them and also ask about therapy for your HA combine your meds with therapy it can help :) ATB

31-03-18, 15:37
I have a derm appointment in two weeks so I’ll ask them. Just hoping to find some snippets of info that might put my mind at rest until then. Maybe there isn’t any though ��

31-03-18, 16:33
I have a derm appointment in two weeks so I’ll ask them. Just hoping to find some snippets of info that might put my mind at rest until then. Maybe there isn’t any though �� Ok great trust their knowledge as they are specialists in skin problems :yesyes: Well don't Google those snippets as they will lead you all over the place and your anxiety will be worse. Let us know how you get on :) ATB