View Full Version : Very Frightened Something Bad Is Happening, Docs seem Unconcerned

30-03-18, 15:37
Me: Male, fit from the US. 6 ft 3, 185 lbs.

Had leg numbness in January. Was worried because I had a DVT clot in the same leg ten years ago.

Had a very high d-dimer on Feb 1, doctor sent me to ER to have it imaged. No clot was found.

At some point in Feb (maybe?) I notice a nerve-ish type pain right in the middle of my back, on or near the spine.

On March 2, I go home from work after feeling like I'm about to pass out after lunch. I call the squad and they take me into a nearby hospital. I'm subject to several tests, all of which come back good

I go to a new chiropractor on the 15th. I feel great the following two days, but start noticing worrisome torso pain and back pain the afternoon of the 17th.

All tolled, I go into the ER more on the 12th, 13th, and 20th due to feeling very strange and having random pains and feelings as if I'm going to lose consciousness. Pulmonary arteries, ct scans of the abdomen are done, along with several blood tests. Nothing worrisome is found.

I was and am currently experiencing random nerve tingles in the front of my left leg and the back of my left arm. I see a new GP and she agrees it's weird that I'm getting the nerve pain where I am. She runs about fifteen blood tests including HIV and Hepititis, and all come back good. She says my blood sugar is slightly high, but nothing she would give meds for, and just tells me to watch it.

I go back once more to the ER on the 25th, hoping to get imaging done on my back. The doctor thinks it's just a muscle strain and gives me a shot of toradol, saying imaging wouldn't show anything.

The new GP referred me to Physical Therapy starting this coming Tuesday. She gave me a neurologist referral, but they said they couldn't see me until July. I'm not sure what will happen with that.

Both yesterday and the day before I went home from work after feeling very lightheaded again, like I was going to pass out. That's about four times this has happened this month alone. Yesterday my back also felt totally crushed. Today I called in sick to rest and see my GP again.

I've been very frightened this whole time that all these doctors are missing something. Do I have a tumor in my back like Andy Whitfield? Did we miss an embolism? Sometimes I even feel a bit of pain in my left chest, just for a second, which is obviously very frightening. I live alone, what if I have a heart attack or stroke, or just pass out and don't wake up?

My plan is to push to see a neuro much sooner, but I'm afraid of what they might find.

30-03-18, 16:14
My wife has back problems and has similar symptoms. They also did not do x-rays on her back and referred her to physical therapy. Eventually she got fed up and demanded x-rays from urgent care. It showed her spine had a curvature and she had degenerative disc disease. This changed how her physical therapy went. I would demand x-rays on your back to be sure you don't have a nerve pinched or even a fracture or something. Her dizziness turned out to be a loose crystal in her ear, she did some exercises to dislodge it and started feeling less dizzy. You might want to look into that as well. There are exercises you can do for the dizzy, but the rest is likely a back issue.

30-03-18, 19:02
Doc update:

She basically said to stop wasting money at the ER and told me to continue with Meloxicam and my muscle relaxer.

I asked if I could taper my Wellbutrin to see if it was causing my dizziness and she said that was fine. I'm not really depressed anymore, but WB isn't doing anything for my anxiety.

I scheduled for an EMG on April 25, which isnt too far out.

She said it's protocol not to image a back injury until after Physical Therapy, which I begin next week. That's weird to me. Like if you break your arm you get it imaged. Spine pain: Ni image needed?

Whatever, I guess.

We'll see what happens.