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View Full Version : Severe Anxiety / PTSD? - feel ruined

30-03-18, 21:10
Hi Everyone

I hope you are all good!

6 weeks ago tomorrow my life completely changed, I had been suffering with anxiety but it was never that extreme, I still felt like 'me' if you get what I mean?

Then my GP gave me a prescription for Sertraline, I took it and about 10 hours later had a panic attack, I understand it can do this to you but I didn't understand what had happened to me. This is where my horrible journey started.

I never came back from that panic attack, things only got worse and worse to the point of a full nervous breakdown. I just can't understand why this has happened to me, im now depressed and so unbearably anxious all the time, I cant even watch tv or listen to music for being anxious. I had so much going for me and now I feel like everything is slipping away because I cant get control of my anxiety or understand why this happened to me, it feels like it's not real or that i'll wake up and it'll be a bad dream. Im devasted, I don't feel like ill ever be the same again. Im consumed with it. Ive contemplated suicide just to get away from my own thoughts which never ever switch off.

Im now on Mirtazapine 15mg for 3 weeks, psychiatrist wants to increase to 30mg.

Im just having a really bad time.

Any words of advice or help?

Has anyone experienced anything similar and found their way back to themselves?

---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:48 ----------

* I understand it wasn't the drug that did this to me but my own reaction to the panic attack, I can rationalise that now, a few weeks ago I thought id done some crazy damage inside my head, I know thats not true,

I just don't know whether with time this will pass or if im going to be stuck in this permanent loop of constant anxiety feeding anxiety which is my greatest fear.

any advice / help?

06-04-18, 13:18
Hi I hope you are okay that sounds awful, my anxiety isn't as strong as what yours is but my anxiety creates memories in my head that have never happened before but convinces me that it has I came off my tablets for a year and then 3 weeks ago it happened all over again I am not seeing a councillor or anything like that but I have managed to control it. I know what you feel like in a way because at the end of the day I feel exhausted from having a battle inside my head I promise you will find a way back just never give up with anxiety and depression a lot of people think its something that will easily go away but its a journey and rollercoaster you go on please stay positive and keep doing what you are doing and you will see a light at the end of the tunnel

09-04-18, 18:42
Hi Bobby

I myself went through something similar and friends/family from stuff they shouldn't of been taking.

The thought of damage is a strong one and hard to be rational about. Eventually it will fade and you will come to terms with the event. I made it back to normality after a bad experience, hang in there.