View Full Version : Ms/als/mnd fears

30-03-18, 21:59
After the death of stephen hawking and watching the theory of everything, i got a huge fear of mnd and related diseases. It started with weakness in my left leg and it felt like it couldnt support me. Then i started having twitches in my legs, i googled it and als/mnd came up. I looked into it more and the twitches got worse and my legs were aching and weak. Then i started believing that i was slurring my speech and that worked me up more. I had these twitches in my arm and weakness in my left arm. I performed some strength tests and that was fine. I thought i was losing dexterity in my left hand and started worrying more. This went away for a while but has come back for my right hand. My dexterity seems decreased and slower. I have made a few mistakes typing this. I looked up ms which said symptoms come and go sending me into panic. I cant help but focus on it. It feels slower and has lost dexterity. Is it all in ny head? Can anyone help out? The leg twitches have gone away almost completely but seem to jerk occasionally, same with the arm. Ive got a viral infection but dont think that would decrease dexterity. My whole right side also feels tenser and harder and more solid. Im terrified

31-03-18, 12:16
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05-04-18, 23:34
My mother was diagnosed with ALS in May 2014. Her doctor put her on riluzole, letting her know there was no cure but the medication might provide her a few more months of delayed symptoms. ALS progresses at different rates and affects different body parts first. My mother, being 80 at the time, fell into a category of what they call "fast progression" (older female). Her arms weakened first, then her hands, her mouth, and throat, and finally her lungs. Throughout her two-and-a-half-year ordeal, she was able to walk with assistance. All the while she continued to take the riluzole. If it bought my mother any time, we will never know. Her neurologist told us that if she couldn't afford it, there was no real need to take it. She lost touch with reality. Suspecting it was the medication I took her off the riluzole (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started her on the ALS natural herbal formula we ordered from GREEN HOUSE HERBAL CLINIC, We spoke to few people who used the treatment here in Canada and they all gave a positive response, her symptoms totally declined over a 7 weeks use of the Green House ALS disease natural herbal formula. She is now almost 84 and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! (Visit their website ww w . Greenhouseherbalclinic . com) I am thankful to nature, herbs are truly gift from God. I will keep sharing more awareness, Share with friends!!

17-04-18, 07:23
my right hand feels and seems weaker i seem to have to try harder to do things with that hand and arm. Objects feel heavier and tasks seem more difficult with that hand. It feels weak but it also seems to be weak. Im worried this is als. Please help me!!!

17-04-18, 12:01
Please read THIS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071) as often as you have to.

Positive thoughts

17-04-18, 18:39
I promise you are fine. This is such a common fear for people with HA. I went through it for a couple of years. Whatever you do, don’t google. ALS doesn’t mess around. You don’t feel weak, you are clinically weak.

26-04-18, 16:52
Hi all. I am in a bit of a worry about als and ms. My right hand feels weaker and seems to be getting weaker. I have to put more effort into doing things and objects feel heavier than my left. I keep squeezing my brothers hand to see if im weaker. He says my rights stronger but is little weaker than yesterday. My fingers feel like they will drop whatever im holding. Is this the beginning of als? Or just strain or fatigue or muscle tension?

26-04-18, 20:49

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15-11-18, 08:06
My left hand seems to be getting slower each day for about a week now. It is a noticeable slowness and im convinced i have als. But could it be fatigue from all the strength tests? Or my mind playing tricks? Please help me!!!