View Full Version : Is it bad if my dog got spit on my lip/in my mouth?

31-03-18, 00:43
My dog was greeting me today and she was licking my arm when somehow spit flicked off her tongue and it hit me on the lip. What worries me is I live in a very rural area and there are animals everywhere. One time we found a dead bat in our yard and we see many skunks in the area, and raccoons. And her being a dog, she could get into and eat dead animals, especially since right now she smells really bad. Last summer I recall seeing paperwork in my moms file cabinet when I was looking through that she was vaccinated for rabies in February, but I cant remember if it was 2017 or 2018. And I dont know how long rabies vaccines last in Va. My mom deals with it and I told her what happened and she said just dont think about it, because she knows how my anxiety is. So I cant ask her if her rabies shot is up to date, because she'll get mad at me and I dont think she knows exactly when it runs out. Should I be worried? Most of me says not to be, but there is like a little part of my mind that is telling me to worry.

31-03-18, 01:14

Positive thoughts

31-03-18, 10:19
I wouldn't be worried! It's really unlikely this would cause anything nasty, people kiss their animals all the time and are just fine.
If you are really worried about it though, perhaps just pop to the doctors or a walk in place and explain it to them? They'll be able to put your mind at ease or go through the appropriate medication (which I doubt, but the option is there) if they think it's necessary. You could also ring your dog's vet and ask them when her shot was, but from a quick Google search, so longs as your dog isn't a puppy (so the last shot wasn't given as her first between 4-6 months) they should last for 3 years, so hopefully that puts your mind at ease a bit!

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01-04-18, 03:21

Positive thoughts

I second that