View Full Version : Feeling weird

31-03-18, 04:41
I’ve been struggling with anxiety for years now. Recently I’ve felt this weird feeling like my whole body hurts. Arms. Legs. Stomach. Neck. And near my knees they pop constantly. arms or fingers even if I haven’t done any physical activity. Mostly happens late at night or super early in the morning but goes away during the day. I’m worried it’s something serious like bone cancer or colon cancer it happened after I use the bathroom one night. I’m scared. I do have IBS and I’m on Prozac and Busiprone. Seems anxiety taking over my life always something wrong with my body every month. :(

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31-03-18, 09:42
Hi. I've been struggling with this myself lately. I have so many aches and pains (internal and muscular as well) that the thoughts have started to creep in, "this is too much to just be my anxiety and getting older causing all this". Next few weeks I'm going to have to make myself get back into doing my basic yoga and back stretches, which will show me hopefully once again that my ongoing back aches and pains are muscular (not "organ failure" - thank you very much HA brain). And I'm going to work on my diet which has involved too much Easter chocolate and other junk and get it back to the blander "white food" diet that sorts my IBS and will therefore hopefully silence the HA voice telling me, "but maybe THIS time, the bloating is... X, Y, Z disease".

Is there anything like that that seems to work for you that you could maybe do? Particular diet that really helps your IBS or form of exercise that has worked for you in the past that maybe you haven't tried for a while?

31-03-18, 11:49
Hiya, so sorry to hear you've been having a hard time recently!
It seems like you've fallen down the rabbit hole a bit to me, and by that I mean you noticed one thing, got worried, and then became overly aware of every little ache and pain, crack, niggle, etc.. you get my drift! I do it too, all the time in fact. The moment I get a problem, every twinge I get I convince myself is related, and it just makes me panic even more.
People get aches and pains all the time, it's usually a sign of something really trivial, like an uncomfortable bed, fatigue, overworking yourself, stiff joints/muslces (which I feel could be it as you said it happens most in the morning and at night). Of course, if these pains are really bothering you, it might be a good idea to pop down to the doctors and ask them about it, not that I'm saying to be worried, but just that if you're in pain a lot they may be able to suggest ways to relieve it.
Hope this helps a little!

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