View Full Version : Virus Worries

31-03-18, 12:12
Hey all,

I havent posted here in over 4 years but this last year my health anxiety is creeeping back, along with my Dr Google obsession.

Ive been feeling run down for the last 7 days or so, woke up last saturday feeling hot and running a temperature. Generally feeling like its a virus, muscle aches, glands up in my neck I think and headache with losing and gaining an appetite depending on the day.

Id say it was a virus if I had a cold with it but the only thing ive noticed is that im sneezing throughout the day and nose feels tingly but its never turned to a full blown cold. I feel hot and cold sometimes too.

Day 7...feeling betterr than yesterday and the day before that I was out drinking at a friends but still felt rough. Oh im sniffing too but like i say, no full cold just an odd kinda half cold feeling.

of course i googled and saw Cancer and low fever etc, plus the sertraline I take causes some night sweats for me around my period. Worrying its undiagnosed cancer or something terrible even though i know its highly unlikely. I know no-one is a medical professional here but just really looking for reassurance at this point cos I feel myself spiralling into a panic as the days pass. Going to the dr might help for a couple days but at this rate I'm gonna make my symptoms worse.

Any calming thoughts or advice for when you feel this way would truly help as I think my family are fed up by now of hearing it.

31-03-18, 20:36

31-03-18, 21:12
Sorry you’re feeling poorly.
Here’s what concerns me - you’re looking for reassurance but you also say that going to your doctor might help for a couple of days?? You need to have more faith in your doctor than you will have from someone you’ve never met & who hasn’t examined you.
I’m sure you’re fine. You’re getting better, not worse.

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03-04-18, 13:35
I feel a bit better today but I basically worried because no stuffy nose but all the other symptoms. Virus' can last a few weeks sometimes I suppose.

03-04-18, 20:46
Virus can last a few months, the one that recently did the rounds was brutal.

03-04-18, 21:49
Yeah my kid just got a gross cold so she sounds like ive been feeling. I hope itll pass soon, I have up and down days, plus a pretty stressful interview tomorrow so hopefully it'll get better. I just hate the over anxiousness, if i could crawl outta my own brain I would