View Full Version : am i sick or anxious

13-07-07, 19:48
I am 23 years old, and suffers terribly of general anxiaty on the 3rd year now. I was all going a little better, but then I had the flu, and ever since, I still wonder if i walk around with a small flu. Has anyone tried the same? I have never been sick in my life before my anxiaty, but now it seems that iīm always sick. Its terrible, and is keeping me from visiting friends and doing the things I love. I even make up excuses for not spending time with my girlfriend, (so she wonīt leave me, if she sees what a weakling I am) I canīt even tell the difference between the real flu and my anxiaty. What am I suppose to do. Hope noone feels like I do at the moment.

13-07-07, 23:44
Hello Jacob :welcome:to you!

You're having a rotten time by the sound of it - but you'll get plenty of help and support here.

First things first - you need to be honest with your girlfriend love.

I'm sure she'd rather know what's bothering you than have to hazard a guess? It might feel uncomfortable at first but honesty really is the best policy here.

Anxiety can lower your resistence to infection, so you are definitely not a weakling!

Glad you found us - and pleased to meet you!


Pink Princess
14-07-07, 12:55
hi jacob, welcome to the site, hope you find lots of info and support here and make many friends too. chat soon, take kare
love minnie xxxxxxxxxxx

14-07-07, 17:26
Hi Jacob,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

14-07-07, 21:34
hi jacob and welcome,
i feel the same i dont know if im really sick or is it the anxiety making me sick the only time i can really put a finger on it if i run a tempature........i know we all hate to have to make excuses one day tho this shall pass.i wish ya the best..Linda

14-07-07, 22:39

Just wanted to welcome you aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

14-07-07, 23:53
Hey everybody. Thanks for your kind advises and welcomes., I didnīt know that it can actually lower my resistance. I am so glad that i have found this place, hope you will all feel better in a very short while, and that i can be of some kind of help to you guys/girls/ladys and gents.