View Full Version : Head pressure/random pains/fullness/heat/tingling last few days..

31-03-18, 21:49
Hi everyone,

I haven't been on here for a while, but I am currently away from home and this symptom has been troubling me, really making the last few days hard, and I am assuming/hoping this is anxiety related again so just wanted to see if anyone can relate to me..

Basically I got a headache the other day and the headache itself seemed to go but left a head pressure feeling. It feels like pressure inside my head, mostly on each side, like around my ears and the back of my head also.
Sleep seems to be what relieves it, but then the next two days it's come on again in varying degrees, but always background. I'm getting random aches and pains in various parts of my head that come for a few seconds then go, and occasional tingling/crawling sensation over the top of my head. I also keep getting hot senstations in various points in my head. This never normally happens, just these last 3 days, and it seems to go away after a night's sleep.

I've actually felt quite ill with it at points, today I kept feeling 'out of it' when we went out with family. Anyone experienced this from anxiety?

31-03-18, 23:09

I've been suffering with HA since December. It's quite new to me. However it started with headaches which have now passed. I am however left with odd little pains in my head which come and go ... only there for a few seconds mainly. I've had tingling too but also in my hands and tonight in the soles of my feet.

01-04-18, 09:49
Hi, thanks for your reply. Were your headaches there day after day?

HA sucks, all anxiety sucks! Sending sympathies! :hugs:

01-04-18, 16:31
Hi. Yes headaches were there everyday for about a month then on and off. I ended up at A&E twice over Christmas because of them. There are only here now and again now ... it's the other things that bother me like the achy neck, slight dizziness and tingling. I'm reassured I am not alone ... hope you feel better soon.