View Full Version : Esophageal Cancer - Dun Dun Dun

31-03-18, 23:56
I don't really spend a lot of time on this site, but I guess I'm visiting today because I'm feeling stressed and anxious. Essentially, I'm worried about Esophageal Cancer.

A little background: I smoked and drank HEAVILY for over ten years. I'm 36 now and have been clear of both for like 3 years almost. When I say heavily I mean I drank until I blacked out and smoked until my lungs ached and throat was sore every other day or so... I had serious problems and I just couldn't cope. So, about two years ago I started having acid reflux for the first time ever really and it was BAD. I had no idea what was even happening and one of the first times I went to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack.

So, today, I seem to maybe have LPR (Silent Reflux) or that's what my doctor suspects. When it's bad (which lately has been more often than not) I have trouble swallowing, pain along the sides or back of my neck (it can kind of move around and is a deep burning or aching pain), sometimes sharp pain about midway up my throat that will feel like a stabbing pain.... and for a few days I felt like I had a lump at the base of my throat, but that's kind of better for the moment.

I had an appointment for an endo, but I chickened out completely which was embarrassing. I was on the table and they were about to put the blood pressure cuff on me (oh, and I have a phobia over having my BP taken) so I just got up and ran away. BYE! The doctor, because I am a chicken, has ordered stool sample and blood work for me, but I know I need the endo and I have it scheduled again for April 17th, but I think I'll just chicken out again. I'm such a coward. The doctor said he didn't think it was 'cancer' but that some of my symptoms were atypical for Acid Reflux.

So, I also have a bladder issue called Interstitial Cystitis (maybe, I think... conflicting doctors) and he said with that it's common to have other gastro issues but that they can be hard to diagnose. I don't know what to do, but basically.... I'm scared of having cancer and I'm scared of having an endoscopy. It's not just my blood pressure I'm scared of... I'm scared of dying while under like Joan Rivers or something - that's how she died. Phew, lemme tell you... I'm sick of being scared of everything.

01-04-18, 00:00
Why does it have to be cancer though - we have so many people thinking they have Esophageal Cancer at the moment and not ONE SINGLE person has it.

01-04-18, 00:20
Joan Rivers was 81 - you are 36! :lac:

Even if you drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney, the human body can recover to an extraordinary degree. Does not mean Oesophageal Cancer.

01-04-18, 00:22
I guess, yanno.... I'm worried because my symptoms are atypical to Acid Reflux, and my history puts me at a high risk, I'm having swallowing problems... why cancer? I mean, that's the biggest risk. I wouldn't be stressed if I thought it might be a vitamin deficiency. Cancer is scary.

I'm 36, but I'm fat. :( I used to be super fit growing up. I played sports, etc. Now I'm fat and I feel awful and gross. I worry about my heart. I weigh 185 and I'm 5'1" I've lost about ten pounds but I need to loose at least 50 more.

01-04-18, 00:29
Well you know what you have to do then .....

01-04-18, 00:33
I do. I've already lost ten pounds and I'm working on it. I've been walking two miles a day and I am eating a lot better, but it takes time, yanno?